New Release: Broken Aro

Arowyn (Aro) Mason is the only girl in a military family of seven. She is a tough girl and one of “the guys”. After their city is attacked by enemy armies, she wakes up on a slave ship without her brothers.

As she makes new friends they master a plan to escape the ship and find their way home. Mystical creatures abound and every day is a struggle to survive. Who can be trusted and who is a true friend. Will Aro and her men make it off the ship and find their way home?

Published Sept 14 2012 by Untold Press,LLC available at Amazon (all sites. free for prime members) Coming to print Oct 2012

New Release: The Lady Astronomer

Lucretia’s life as an astronomer is quickly turned on its head by her eldest brother when he is commanded by the king to build the grandest telescope in the land.

Her nights spent on rooftops gazing at the stars are replaced by adventure as the family move to be nearer the king. In a race to build the Forty-foot telescope on time, misfortunes take their toll. The lady astronomer finds court life to be more dangerous than she could have ever imagined. Can she find the strength inside to overcome the obstacles threatening her destiny? Only the stars will tell.

The Lady Astronomer was released by Untold Press on 26th September 2012.  It is available on Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Sherrill Willis Announces New Release

Author Sherrill Willis is pleased to announce the sequel to Ruby Lake: A Wedding in Ruby Lake.

A Wedding in Ruby Lake finds Sydney Myers and Zeke Greyson planning the perfect wedding, only to receive several unexpected, but not unwanted, houseguests. Illana Garet, Sydney’s city-savvy best friend, decides to come rather unexpectedly as does Zeke’s friend Tyler Shepard. They both arrive just in time to be embroiled into a new threat which proves to be far more dangerous than anyone at first had believed.

From the meddling ladies at the local coffee shop, to the machinations of a psychopath, A Wedding in Ruby Lake is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and a few new characters to get to know. Join the Ruby Lake gang as they find out, mostly the hard way, that sometimes walls need to be torn down in order for a better foundation to be built.

A Wedding in Ruby Lake was released on August 15, 2012 and is available from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

And the winner is… Jerriann Law

Congratulations to Jerriann Law, the winner of our weekly Flash Fiction competition and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “And the winner is… Jerriann Law”