LynneQuisition: Victoria Strauss

Scammers have been targeting creative types for a long time – maybe even since the first time somebody drew a pictograph on a rock. For the past few decades at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America’s website, Writer Beware has been fighting the good fight against scammers on behalf of authors. Author Victoria Strauss, who co-founded Writer Beware, has agreed to climb into the hot seat for this month’s LynneQuisition. Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Victoria Strauss”

LynneQuisition: Tavish MacTavish, Nuclear Death Star Chief Engineer

Never let it be said that I, your intrepid reporter, won’t go to the ends of the indie author universe for you. To mark Indies Unlimited’s second blogiversary, I have done just that! Well, not exactly. But I did venture down into the bowels of our nuclear-powered Death Star to interview the man who keeps everything around here running tickety-boo: our chief engineer, Tavish MacTavish. Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Tavish MacTavish, Nuclear Death Star Chief Engineer”

LynneQuisition: Juliette Sobanet

Interviews by Lynne CantwellAt the beginning of the month, I grilled former indie author Jodi McIsaac about her experience working for Amazon and its 47 North imprint. This week, it’s Juliette Sobanet’s turn. She, too, started out as an indie, and has been picked up by Amazon’s Montlake Romance imprint. So far, they have published four of her books, with a fifth, Honeymoon in Paris, on the way. Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Juliette Sobanet”

LynneQuisition: Jodi McIsaac

For this month’s LynneQuisition, we turn to someone who knows the answer to a question we’ve probably all thought about: What does the EM have stashed in that footlocker in the basement? Oh, wait. That’s the wrong question. The one I meant was: What would it be like to work with Amazon Publishing?

Jodi McIsaac knows the answer. She first self-published her urban fantasy Through the Door, and then Amazon’s 47North imprint called. Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Jodi McIsaac”