Indies and Charity: A Great Mix

This past summer I was invited to contribute a short story featuring Kate Jones, the main character from a popular thriller series I write, to an indie anthology for Halloween. Since it was for a worthy cause (Doctors without Borders) and because the mastermind behind the anthology was Jen Blood, a mystery writer whom I respect immensely, I jumped at the chance. SERIAL SLEUTHS Vol. 1: Haunted just went live on as an ebook, and 100% of all net proceeds go directly to DWOB. I’m beyond thrilled to be a part of this awesome collection.

Being involved in the anthology was an amazing experience, especially so because it’s a collection of short stories from five professional indie authors. This means five serious writers with varying experience in everything from book cover design to editing, formatting to promotion, to publicity. Everything went smoothly and everyone contributed. It was, in a word, fantastic, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Continue reading “Indies and Charity: A Great Mix”

Flash Fiction Challenge: You Decide!

Step right up and cast your vote for this week’s winner in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge!

You can check out this week’s entries here. The entrants did a great job with the writing prompt and the merciless constraints of the exercise.  Vote for your fave and then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word that the vote is on.

Choose the winner in this week's flash fiction challenge:

  • Jerriann Law (48%, 33 Votes)
  • Dick Waters (41%, 28 Votes)
  • Brian Beam (9%, 6 Votes)
  • A. L. Kaplan (3%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 69

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Subconscious of Your Writing Part 2 by Ken La Salle

Author Ken La Salle
Author Ken La Salle

This is the second part of my piece on subconscious writing. In Part One, I discussed outlining versus what some call “pantsing.” (Kat Brooks explained this to me as “writing by the seat of your pants,” which I believe explains it quite well.) But what happens after you’ve begun whatever it is you’re writing? How does subconscious writing play a part then?

I think one of the things that makes subconscious writing so difficult to explain is the whole “subconscious” part of it. So, please bear with me as I try to explain what I mean.

As I wrote my last novel, I had no clear idea what I was trying to say. I had started it with a specific image in mind. But that image must have stirred connections in my mind because I found it so filled with consequence that the image was truly just the starting point. Continue reading “Subconscious of Your Writing Part 2 by Ken La Salle”

Sneak Peek: The Hall

After two years away from his home of Memphis, TN; wealthy book publisher, Marcus Bishop, arrives to find his beloved city a disaster. The economy is sagging, commerce failing, and buildings are being boarded up at an alarming rate.

One place in particular catches Marcus’s eye: An old castle-like structure situated in the Garden District. Once a resplendent mansion, Ashlar Hall now sits empty and destitute. Money and love alone can’t bring this building back from the brink; it will take Marcus’s soul to free the building from the ravages of time and the spirits that haunt it.

A philanthropist and lover of unique architecture, Marcus decides to buy Ashlar Hall and return it to its former glory. What he doesn’t realize is that included in the business transaction is a love-struck, jealous ghost who will stop at nothing to get Marcus into the afterlife.

This title is available from Amazon in print or Kindle format, Createspace (paperback), Barnes and Noble (Nook), and Smashwords. Continue reading “Sneak Peek: The Hall”