Hell may have just frozen over. Either that or I’m asleep and dreaming. In case of the latter, please don’t wake me. Just let me enjoy the winning lottery ticket for a few minutes more.
When Stephen Hise tracked me down, he threw out an offer that I couldn’t possibly refuse; my own column here at Indies Unlimited, one of the best blogs on the net. To say that this is an honor would be an understatement. In fact, there really aren’t any words that could adequately express how privileged I feel to be included in the same company as the talented staff here at IU.
Even so, and I have to be honest, there was some hesitation on my part. It took a great deal of effort not to immediately jump at this opportunity. I am not an author, yet. My credentials as a writer are lackluster at best, and downright poor compared with the amazing array of talent that Stephen has assembled here. What could I possibly have to offer? Before giving an answer, I had to ask myself a few hard questions. Continue reading “It’s a Wonderful Life”