An Interview with Indie Author Martin Crosbie

Authors are known for talking to themselves – and now, yes, even interviewing themselves. Martin Crosbie interviews Martin Crosbie on self-publishing, Amazon, and the evolution of indie author books. Martin, Yes, Martin? You self-published your first book in 2011. What’s been the most significant change in Indie publishing since then?

Chris James Interviewed by The Author Show

In case you missed it, last Wednesday the 22nd of August, Author Chris James was interviewed on The Author Show. It was a riveting fourteen minute interview in which Chris spills all sorts of secrets about being a science fiction writer, and how that relates to cute puppies. There is a distinct possibility he said … Continue reading “Chris James Interviewed by The Author Show”

Author Carol Wyer Radio Interviews!

Friend and author Carol Wyer was interviewed on BBC Radio Nottingham last night. She talks about her book, Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines: Desperate housewife Amanda Wilson can’t decide between murder, insanity and another glass of red wine. Her shelf life is up. Not only is she facing 50 but she hasn’t had sex with … Continue reading “Author Carol Wyer Radio Interviews!”

Indie Author 101: How to Get Started with KDP, Smashwords, and CreateSpace

To be an indie author, you have to publish a book. Right? But how do you sign up for that? This will seem pretty basic to a lot of folks, but those who have never done it may be worried about the process. You know what? It’s really easy. Here’s what you do. A note … Continue reading “Indie Author 101: How to Get Started with KDP, Smashwords, and CreateSpace”