Are Author Interviews Worthwhile?

When we first started Indies Unlimited, one of the regular features here was the author interview. Authors love to be interviewed. Unfortunately, not a whole lot of people love to read author interviews. We like to do stuff that moves the needle, so to speak. Once we realized the interview features were not getting a … Continue reading “Are Author Interviews Worthwhile?”

Author Interviews – Using the Tool to Your Best Advantage

There is constant discussion in online forums about how to promote our books, how to get our names out there in front of readers, and there are a zillion ways to do that. One such way is the author interview, a particularly friendly, chatty way to connect with our readers. I know, I know; many … Continue reading “Author Interviews – Using the Tool to Your Best Advantage”

Writing with Collaborators: Interview with Author David Wood

Quite a while back, our own K.S. Brooks wrote about collaborating with the Evil Mastermind, Stephen Hise, on a book. I found the process to be really interesting, especially since the whole idea of collaboration is so completely foreign to me. For good or ill, my own process is totally internal; the only thing I … Continue reading “Writing with Collaborators: Interview with Author David Wood”

Bestselling Author, Sable Hunter – The Naked Interview

Mild-mannered church organist and accountant, Sable Hunter always had a vivid imagination. When she began writing her stories of cowboy and fair maiden fantasies she discovered she had a talent – an exceptional talent. This talent has helped her sell tons of books, develop an insanely protective group of readers, as well as see her … Continue reading “Bestselling Author, Sable Hunter – The Naked Interview”