My Writing Hero – Cambria Hebert

I’m excited to write about an author who inspires me: Cambria Hebert. She is not a New York Times Bestselling author. She’s won some awards, made it into the Amazon Top 100 a couple of times and is one of the best writers I’ve ever read. I love her books, and I love her style. … Continue reading “My Writing Hero – Cambria Hebert”

#IndieHero: Hugh Howey

It’s Indie Hero month here at IU, so for my indie hero, I picked Hugh Howey. You know what they say — go big or go home. Just kidding. However, the goal is to get a wide range of indie heroes — from modest to large success. And Howey is among the bigger-name successes and … Continue reading “#IndieHero: Hugh Howey”

#IndieHero Blaze McRob (Robert Nelson)

It’s not often that you run into someone who makes a profound impression on you. Let alone someone who might see you as competition. But that’s not how my friend Blaze McRob operates. He’s sincere, funny, and pretty darned honest when it comes to the craft. I met him way back in 2010 when I … Continue reading “#IndieHero Blaze McRob (Robert Nelson)”

My Self-Publishing Hero: Cas Peace

I don’t remember how Cas Peace fell into my Indie publishing career. My first evidence of her shows up in emails in 2014, but we had already Beta-read several of each others’ books by that time. Maybe she was an angel sent to someone who sorely needed the help. In any case, she and I … Continue reading “My Self-Publishing Hero: Cas Peace”