Launching That New Book

A few of us here at Indies Unlimited have recently launched their latest books. My next one is due soon as well. So, selfish woman that I am, I asked for a little help with my research. My wonderful friends were generous with their responses. Thank you. In the spirit of the thing, I thought … Continue reading “Launching That New Book”

Book Blogger Spotlight: All That’s Written

If you don’t already know her, meet Lucy Pireel. She is the force behind the book blog, All That’s Written. Lucy is also an author and started her blog to give some unknown authors a place to showcase themselves and their work. She says when she reads a book she likes, or comes across an … Continue reading “Book Blogger Spotlight: All That’s Written”

LynneQuisition: Tavish MacTavish, Nuclear Death Star Chief Engineer

Never let it be said that I, your intrepid reporter, won’t go to the ends of the indie author universe for you. To mark Indies Unlimited’s second blogiversary, I have done just that! Well, not exactly. But I did venture down into the bowels of our nuclear-powered Death Star to interview the man who keeps … Continue reading “LynneQuisition: Tavish MacTavish, Nuclear Death Star Chief Engineer”

Book Blogger Spotlight: Blue House Review

Meet Lauren Scharhag, the force behind Blue House Review. She is also the author of nine titles, runs a separate author blog, does marketing and PR at her day job, and freelance editing, proofreading, writing, and translating on the side. Whew. I get tired just writing down all the stuff she does. Lauren says, “I’ve … Continue reading “Book Blogger Spotlight: Blue House Review”