Body Parts

I am more than my eyes alone.

“Smooth and smiling faces everywhere, but ruin in their eyes.” – Jean-Paul Sartre

I did not plan on starting this week’s post about eyes. Eyes may be the windows of the soul, but how do you describe your character’s eyes or facial expression without being cliché?  A book I recently finished repeated the same phrase over and over again – “his smile never reached his eyes”. Yes, we can figure out that this person is not genuine. But, what other body parts can we use to gain insight into our character’s motivation, career opportunities, pride or self-esteem? Let’s start with a story about feet.

When we moved to Florida from New Jersey I was disappointed to realize that I could no longer indulge my habit of checking out what kind of shoes people were wearing. I love shoes. Many people in Florida don’t wear shoes – they wear flip-flops. It can be 35 degrees, and they’ll be in flip-flops. And, sadly, for some of them it doesn’t matter to them what their feet look like. Continue reading “Body Parts”

Can Authors be Rock Stars?(From the Best of Jim Devitt Collection)

Can Authors be Rock Stars?

[Contributing author Jim Devitt is presently unavailable. Please enjoy this column from our special collection: “Jim Devitt sings the greatest hits of Slim Whitman.”—ed.]

Pop culture, famous “A” list actors and mega sports stars fill the media spotlight. Huge numbers of fans flock to be a part of the “in” crowd or to see their hero in person. Jimmy Buffett, Phish, Lady Gaga or Kenny Chesney  sellout concerts in less than twenty minutes.

All performers and athletes connect with their fans causing everything from mild hysteria to crazy outfits and painted faces. The old black and white clips of fainting girls in the presence of Elvis or the Beatles has become an indelible image in our history. Continue reading “Can Authors be Rock Stars?(From the Best of Jim Devitt Collection)”

When It Just Isn’t Working

The idea you had for your next book looked really great. After all, each book is supposed to be better than the last; your skills as a writer are growing. You set yourself a new challenge, one that would grab the attention of your fans and garner the respect of your fellow writers. You have 20,000 words already written. But now you encounter a problem and you’re stuck. What to do? Continue reading “When It Just Isn’t Working”

The Joy of Reading Aloud

Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand:
Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand!

Second Fig, Edna St. Vincent Millay

There are childhood memories that are so precious to us that we keep them deep inside. They sit in our mind wrapped like a Christmas present under the tree and we get to open them again, and again, and again. We gaze at these gifts with anticipation, knowing the treasure within. We may think that these memories are unique to us. As we grow older we realize that many other people were fortunate, like us, to have had the same childhood experiences. They hold the same precious memories deep in their heart.

As I carefully remove the wrapping paper from one high, square box and lift the lid, I see four children listening with rapt attention to the beautiful woman reading, “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Their faces are eager as they follow the rhythm of the poem. There won’t be a lot of presents under the tree the next morning. But this memory, the joy of being read to, is the eternal gift that will remain long after the toys are broken and discarded. Continue reading “The Joy of Reading Aloud”