We’ve lots of places to visit in this edition of Indie News Beat, beginning with a neat article headlined There Is No Publishing Industry, in which John Cavnar-Johnson suggests that what we generally understand as the publishing industry can now be broken down into four distinct “information delivery” industries, which are each advancing towards digitalisation at their own speeds. Continue reading “Indie News Beat: Is there a publishing industry or isn’t there?”
Tag: Mark Coker
Smashwords Sunday: 2012 is History
2012 is about to be history and what better way to celebrate than reading a little history ourselves? Here is a selection of historical titles from Mark Coker’s Smashwords. Remember, Smashwords is your alternative to mighty Joe Amazon. As an independent author himself, Coker relates to the trials and tribulations of the indie in a way that eludes Amazon, so let’s show him a little support!
If you have a historical title we missed, feel free to put your Smashwords link in the comment section below.
Just click the covers to take a look or buy the book!
Santa Select

Not even St. Nick.
‘Twas the day after Christmas
And the outlook was dour.
All the Indies were moping,
Even Santa was sour.
“I’ve tried and tried
All that I could
To help Indie Authors;
To make things good.”
I looked at the fat man
And said with a smile
“But surely your reviews
Will go live in a while”
“I’m afraid not, Dear,
I got an email from ‘Zon
Accusing me of sock-puppetry
That my reviews were a con.”
He stared out the window
With an expression so sad
The Zon had blocked Santa
This was really bad. Continue reading “Santa Select”
Happy Anniversary to IU
Ah, yes. It’s been a year since the inception of Indies Unlimited and nearly that long since I joined as co-conspirator…I mean co-administrator. So here I recline, upon a body pillow stuffed with the money I’ve made here, and showered with Canadian dollars (I prefer those because they’re colorful) by handsome hockey players I was able to hire cheaply because of the NHL lockout. Oh, wait. I guess that’s just in my mind.
After all, Indies Unlimited is staffed completely by volunteers. Any money I’ve made is thanks to Rich Meyer whose recent tutorials about how to make book covers gave me the brilliant idea to start printing money on my inkjet. Of course, I haven’t tried to spend any yet. Do you think they’ll pass?
Of course, I’ve never been in this thing for the money. I’ve been in it for the fame and adulation. Money usually follows that. I like that my weekly tutorials help people. But what I really like is that people now consider me an industry expert. Ha! People will believe anything, won’t they? But I digress. This isn’t about me. But what the hell, let’s talk about me some more anyway. Or not. Continue reading “Happy Anniversary to IU”