As Indie authors we have a lot of responsibilities, listing exactly what those responsibilities are could be the subject of an entire article; however, what I’m going to be looking at, on this occasion, is just one of the aspects that we, as independent authors, make decisions about that we might not be able to if we were taking the traditional route. Continue reading “It’s All About Choice”
Tag: martial arts
Bang! Zap! Kapow!—Get the Fight Right!
If you are not knowledgeable in an area you are writing about you owe it to your readers, and yourself, to do the research: consult the experts or risk appearing like an amateur.
When I am reading a book or watching a movie and it reaches a fight scene, or an act of violence: a point at which physical conflict is involved, I tend to zero in on any inaccuracies. From that statement you might conclude that a particular kind of subject matter attracts me; however I would argue that some kind of combative, violent or physical conflict will be found in ninety percent of all the reading and or cinematic fare on offer.
There have been times, whilst totally engrossed in a book or a movie, my disbelief totally suspended, when one unresearched, implausible paragraph or fight scene has ruined the whole experience; and all for the lack of some decent research. Continue reading “Bang! Zap! Kapow!—Get the Fight Right!”
T.D. McKinnon Joins Indies Unlimited

We are pleased to announce that T.D. McKinnon has joined Indies Unlimited as a contributing author.
T.D. joined the British Parachute Regiment when he was just fifteen years old. After spending five years in the British army he worked at a number of occupations including high risk security: event and venue security, close personal protection, cash and gem escort and armed, rapid response for a national bank group. His close personal protection company was responsible for the safety of a member of the Spanish royal family in the late 80’s and was also part of the anti terrorist security team for President George Bush senior’s visit to Australia in 1992.
He trained in the martial arts for most of his life and achieved mastery in several forms he represented at national level, both in Scotland and Australia. He now lives in Tasmania with his wife, professional actor, singer, dancer and editor Zoë Lake. You know, except for all the particulars, this reminds me of my own life.
Hmmm… it feels like I’m leaving something out. Oh right—he’s also a prolific author in the genres of action/thriller, speculative fiction, memoir and historical fiction. Please welcome T.D. McKinnon to Indies Unlimited.
Meet the Author: Mark Jacobs

Mark Jacobs is a freelance writer, martial arts instructor and semi-professional poker player who says he regularly plays for more money than he can afford to lose.
His written work has appeared in publications such as Sports Illustrated, Men’s Health, and TimeOut New York.
The author of the acclaimed instructional text, The Principles of Unarmed Combat, he currently serves as a contributing editor and monthly columnist for Black Belt Magazine. His other books include the detective novel, Pascal’s Wager, and the upcoming boxing saga, A Bittersweet Science. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Mark Jacobs”