Work It!

I was a teacher for a decade.  Not a traditional classroom teacher, a Reading/Writing Specialist.  I worked with kids who suffered from learning challenges.  I also worked with a lot of kids with life challenges – inner city youth primarily.  It was immensely rewarding and very hard. A few months ago, I was handed a medical condition that essentially ended my teaching career (Patulous Eustachian Tubes).  Suddenly, I couldn’t teach to the best of my ability because all I could hear half the time was the sound of wind in my ears.  (A lot less romantic than wind in your hair.)  I don’t do things that I can’t do to the best of my ability…especially something as important as teaching.  So, I decided to give freelance writing a try (more than just fiction).  And I am currently figuring out how to make that work.  Time will tell.

Continue reading “Work It!”

That’s Awesome

Kat's CougarI’m a purist in every sense of the word. I like things just so…or in my eyes, how they were meant to be: correct. Being that way could be construed as a bit silly or stubborn at times, but it is what it is and I am what I am.

That said, it drives me up a wall when words are misused, misspoken, or misspelled. Language is very important to me, and it’s already been adulterated enough by internet speak and colloquialisms, etc.

So when I came to realize that I was contributing to the dumbing down of our language, I was mortified. Yes, it’s true. I was and am one of the billions of people who, frankly, misuse the word “awesome.” Continue reading “That’s Awesome”

Oh Editor, is it getting drafty in here?

Author Valerie Douglas
Author Valerie Douglas

When should a writer hire an editor, someone asked – after the first draft or the final draft? My first, facetious answer – When it’s done?

First draft? Um, no…

After I finished cleaning up the wine that shot through my nose when I started laughing – not a pretty sight and it scared the cats – I’m afraid I might have responded a little harshly to what was a fair question from a new writer. But after all a little logic could be applied, as a ‘first’ draft implies that there will be others, or you’d just call it the final draft. I’d also like to add that you should know your craft, spelling, the basics of grammar, etc.

But the question of drafts and when to bring in an editor is a fair one.

One other thing before I answer that, if your vision of an editor is of someone who has tons of time to nurture your talent and polish your manuscript until it is a thing of beauty and a joy to behold… reality check. Only if you’re independently wealthy. Editing a novel is not the same as reading one, it takes a lot more time. Continue reading “Oh Editor, is it getting drafty in here?”

The Writers Place Poetry Contest

The Writers PlaceThe Writers Place new poetry contest is accepting submissions.   Early submissions must be electronically submitted not later than 1st of February. Final deadline for submissions is February 15th for an additional fee of $5.00 per script.

Standard Submission Fees: for up to 3 poems: $10.00; and multiple submissions (more than 3, not more than 6 poems or 10 pages): $15.00

First-Place winner will receive a $75 cash award and certificate of achievement. All winners shall be published in The Writers Place Poetry Review. Continue reading “The Writers Place Poetry Contest”