If any topic was foreordained to write, it was this one. (No, I didn’t mean preordained, although I could have used that as well. *grins*)
First I saw this quote from Roy Blount, Jr. – “The last time somebody said, ‘I find I can write much better with a word processor.’, I replied, ‘They used to say the same thing about drugs.’ ”
Then I opened a lovely e-mail from a fan, the last line of which said, “Your book was fun and refreshingly intelligent in the genre (erotica), and therefore it not only made me happy to read it, but kind of renewed my faith that you can still write romance novels using wonderful words like ‘sere’.'” Wasn’t that wonderful? I wonder what she’ll do when she finds out that in the sequel the heroine is a physics professor who quotes string theory to explain magic? (And sere is a wonderful word, isn’t it?)
Last, there was a post from what appeared to be a high school student explaining, badly, why you didn’t need to go to college.
All of which was preceded by this sentence I read in a book which I shall not name and which I’m paraphrasing
– “the hustle, flurry and commotion of buildings…” Umm, with all due apologies to the author… no.
Hustle – a rapid active movement. Flurry – either a snowfall or rapid, active movement. Commotion – either noisy or confused motion. Now, I’m all for the creative use of words in writing, but if buildings start doing any of those things while I’m around, it’s time to get out of town. Especially if it starts flurrying the darned things! Or they start flurrying about. (Unless, of course it’s a paranormal or fantasy, but it wasn’t.)
Clearly someone was relying far too much on their thesaurus. As Stephen King said, “Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. There are no exceptions to this rule.” This is a classic example. Although I’d amend that by saying only in the first drafts…
Words are a writer’s stock in trade. Oddly enough, I keep getting arguments about this – from writers – but it’s true. Words are also wonderful things, it took thousands of years to develop both language and the skill to use it. As a kid – and yes, I know I was weird – I could get lost in the dictionary, just checking out new words. They fascinate me. I love etymology – the study of the origin of words. For example ‘hustle’ – from the Dutch husselen, meaning ‘to shake’. I have a friend who studied words in college (I don’t remember the exact name of her course of study), I’d have loved that.
Words can be amorphous – “shapeless,” from the Latin amorphus, from Greek amorphos “without form, shapeless, deformed,” from a- “without” + morphe “form” (which is also the root of morphine).
And they can be concrete – constituting an actual thing or instance; real from the Middle English concret < Latin concrētus (pastparticiple of concrēscere to grow together). Which, by the way, is not the same thing as cement.
I might have mentioned this before, but someone once said to my dear darling husband on discovering that I’m a writer – “She must be great to talk to, writers know so much stuff!”
Writers should, it makes them better authors. And writers should know words, because, well, it makes them better authors. Knowing words would have made that sentence above a little different – the buildings could have been colorful, diverse, they could even have been busy – ‘4. overcrowded with detail’. I was recently introduced to a ‘writer’ who actually said that she doesn’t read… well, she doesn’t read anything except by one certain popular paranormal author. *headdesk* “ouch” Some writers tend to stay within their own vocabulary. I know one writer who uses ‘damn’ as her favorite adjective – he was damn cute. Well, damn. And even the best can fall into the habit of using the same words, because they like them.
To counteract that tendency I added two widgets to my Google home page – one is Quotes of the Day and the other is Word of the Day. One of today’s quotes was the one from Roy Blount, Jr. above. My word of the day was bleb. Sounds icky doesn’t it. It means anything blister-like. So it could be a drop of dew on a leaf (but I wouldn’t use it that way) or a disgusting growth on someone in a horror story. “It started out as just this tiny bleb on the back of his hand, and then it spread all over his body.” Blister just doesn’t sound quite as gross, does it?
Want to be a better writer? Read better books. Add those widgets to expand both your mind and vocabulary. I’ll leave you with one last quote –
“Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing. It’s the difference between a pencil sketch and a lush oil painting. As a writer, words are your paint. Use all the colors.” Rhys Alexander, Writing Gooder, 12-09-05
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Valerie Douglas is a Contributing Author for Indies Unlimited and prolific writer in multiple genres. For more information, please see the IU Bio pageand her blog: www.valeriedouglasbooks.com
Read better books, eh? I'm guessing Breaking 90 with Johnny Miller isn't helping all that much … maybe that's why I had to look up 'sere'.
*laughing* Sere is a great word in context.
I love knowing where words originated and how they work together, too. Always have, even when I did not write. Even so, I know better than to try to impress with my vocabulary. I want my readers to enjoy what I write, not to challenge them so much they get irritated. As for Stephen King he is mostly right. It's just that sometimes I know the word I have in my head isn't quite what I am looking for. A thesaurus can be handy. The only word I have deliberately coined is 'quirked' as in 'he quirked an eyebrow'. Yeah, yeah, I know it's a noun – but doesn't it make a colourful verb?
I've never tried to impress with my vocabulary but introducing readers to new and wonderful words shouldn't be a bad thing.
And Yvonne, sorry, but you didn't coin 'quirked' – it's on Dictionary.com – http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/quirked
Very good post, but I still would go to bat for "the hustle, flurry and commotion of buildings". Perhaps only in Manhattan, but still. It's an exquisite phrase, full of exuberance, life.
David, if buildings were moving in one of my books, it would be because I was blowing them up. I gotta go with Valerie on this one!
Well, yes, in a literal sense, but then, fiction writing isn't necessarily literal. And who hasn't walked among the buildings of a large city, seen them distort and change shape in a myriad reflections in glass, as if they were moving, dancing? As fiction writers, especially, we are seeing the world afresh, with new eyes, constantly reinterpreting and re-experiencing.
That, or its an acid flashback.
*grins* I'm staying out of that one.
Valerie, lol. Love your post, by the way.
You weren't the only kid who would "get lost" in the dictionary. It's something you have in common with the Evil Mastermind. 🙂
I have now understood that we only write as well as we read.
And reading great authors does not mean you will immediately start writing exactly them.
Else,we would all be Ben Okris, Anne Lamotts, Simone de Beauvoir, and PG Wodehouse.