You’re trolling for something to read. You wander the aisles of your favourite bookstore or click your way through your favourite online shopping spot, checking out the covers. Once you find something that looks interesting, you flip over to the blurb and then you check…the reviews. If you’re anything like me, you have the cover and you have the blurb, but the reviews can remain elusive.
I hate begging. I have no problem giving away my works for free if it’s going to get me something in return (like a review), but finding people to actually read my books can be difficult. Then along comes Bloggerdise. (www.bloggerdise.com) Bloggerdise is a site where authors can create book banners to pair up with bloggers who want something to write about. It’s easy to use, the bloggers usually review ebooks, and the site itself is free! If you’re like me – and I’m hoping you are ‘cause otherwise I sound really pathetic – your marketing budget is as close to zero as you can get away with, so a free way to get reviews is perfect.
The connection between author and blogger often happens fairly quickly. Like most creatures, bloggers seem to be attracted to shiny objects, so my experience is that the flashier your book banner, the faster you attract reviews. Communication is done via email, so an interested blogger will contact you at the email address you provided to request a copy of your book. Most bloggers seem to take pride in the fact that they can read and review books relatively quickly, so in most cases, the blogger will be writing their review of your book within a couple of weeks. However, the style of each blogger is a varied as the styles of the authors they review, so it’s a good idea to check out their blog to see what and how they write before accepting.
Last night, for example, I managed to score a review on one blog and an author interview on another. Because of the nature of the “Author Spotlight”, I’ve been given a date for my interview to appear, which is June 20th. The blogger on that particular site also requested an author picture and up to five different links that readers could use to find me, or my books. As for the book review, I’ll be notified of the exact date a little later, but can expect it within two weeks. It’s a little too soon yet to see how this new site will impact my sales, but word of mouth is a good thing, right?
Just head on over to the site, sign up for a free account, and post your book out into cyberspace. What’s one more site, right? With a little luck, bloggers will soon be flooding your email with offers to read and review your books, or you can track them down on the “Blogger” side of the website and beg someone for a review.
Happy blogging!
M.M. Brownlow is an author and teacher. She lives with her husband, three boys and an assortment of pets. Though her writing began mostly as a hobby, what initially started as only a trilogy eventually branched out into a series of ten books. She has plans to begin a children’s series within the next few months. Check out her Amazon author page.
Thanks. Another great lead.
You are very welcome.
This is great. Thanks so much for the tip. And, no, you're not alone 🙂
Good to know – I'd hate be pathetic 🙂
That's great stuff M.M.!
I hadn't heard of them before, thanks for sharing.
You're welcome and have fun!
fantastic! thank you!
No problem 🙂
Thanks, will have to look into that.
It's easy to use – enjoy!
This is a great post! Thanks so much for sharing!
You're welcome.