Well how cool is it to get an awesome review? Oh come on, be honest, you want to scream it from the rooftops. Well, here’s your chance to do just that – but please – use your inside voices! There’s no need to shout. Just post a link which goes directly to your favorite review in the comments below. Not all retail sites allow for that, so please limit links to those which do. Here’s an article that will explain how. Follow the instructions below, and you’ll be good to go!
Want to share that awesome review? Just place the following information in the comment section:
1. The name of your book;
2. Your favorite, SHORT one-line quote from the review along with a link that goes directly to the review from a magazine, review site, or retail site; and [If you go nuts, we will edit you. Don’t make us do that.]
3. ONE purchase link to the book. If you use an Amazon link, we can make it all pretty with a book cover for you. If you use a link to a site other than Amazon, sorry, the coding is just too difficult.
So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your awesome review. IU is a safe-for-work site. PLEASE do not post links to erotica, religious, or political titles.
From Amazon: “Read this book for a story like no other and I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/SinUKEB

Amazon US:
Dark Places
From Amazon: “The author’s portrayal of death could lead you to believe he’d actually experienced it…”
Amazon US:

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/DarkPlacesUKEB
The Most Uncommon Cold I: Life in the Time of Zombies

“The Most Uncommon Cold is a quick, exciting read that combines the ferocity of a classic horror tale with the mental intrigue of a psychological thriller.”
Hi Jeffrey, your review link brought us to all the reviews – please read this article and select the link for the one review you wish to share – https://indiesunlimited.com/2013/12/24/how-to-share-a-review/
Here is the link to the review:
Vanished The Lost Children of Managrail-Book Two
I couldn’t wait to get lost in the fantastical worlds that Aron Joice creates and Vanished is the perfect sequel
Back From Chaos: Book One of Earth’s Pendulum
“While the intrigue encompasses all of them, the character you become rivetted to is definitely Klast. Men admire him, women fall in love with him.”
Relic of the Damned: The Coming
“I was so impressed, the story had a very “Stephen King” feel but different enough that the author made it their own.”
Forever Boy
“Wizard’s work was a pleasure and a madness. No wonder the university magicians rambled at times like daft bastards.”
Entangled Thorns
“It is fiction, pure and simple, but it is stunning fiction at its best.”
Drawing Breath
“With her delicate, thoughtful prose, Boris weaves a world of discovery, love and illness that is both heartbreaking and full of depth.”
House on Bo-Kay Lane
It was so easy to connect to the characters because the writing is so detailed and done so well. I really enjoyed the mysterious twists and turns and think young and old would too.
Buffalo Soldier: Peacekeepers
” I took an affection to the individual characters as they are all described in detail including their personality – no flat characters here.”
Life First
“This novel was a poignant, riveting, thought-provoking read that had me entranced from page one until the very end of the book.” -Griffin’s Honey Blog (5 Stars) http://www.griffinshoney.com/book-review-life-first-by-rj-crayton/
“All the characters are made to inspire reflection into one’s self, at least for me, I could not be happier I found this gem!” Amazon 10 reviews 5 star average.

Hi John, you neglected to share your review link – please read this article and select the link for the one review you wish to share – https://indiesunlimited.com/2013/12/24/how-to-share-a-review/
Yucatan Dead
“A smoothly woven story of suspense, “Yucatan Dead” clearly demonstrates author DV Berkom’s mastery of her literary craft in creating memorable characters and an unrelenting thriller of a tension filled novel…”
http://www.midwestbookreview.com/sbw/oct_13.htm#mystery (4th review down)
Allergic to Life: My Battle for Survival, Courage, and Hope
“If you’ve watched the movie Lorenzo’s Oil, you will get an idea of what makes Allergic to Life such a page turner.”
Love reading the reviews. There are some great books that I will be needing to read.
“Reading Ed Griffins journey through a Catholic seminary, the politics of the 60’s, and the need to find true love in the world, left me longing for my own fairytale romance.”

Once A Priest
Hi Ed, we need the link that goes directly to your review. If you’re not sure how to do that, this article will show you… https://indiesunlimited.com/2013/12/24/how-to-share-a-review/
The House on Persimmon Road

“Wow! Everything a book should have.” – Marcia Coker
Shifren is a skilled author, bringing to life all the bustle of teeming Shanghai and all the devastation of being a POW as she weaves her personal memoir into the larger historical picture.

Thanks for “fixing” the URL. I returned to comments after testing and removing the last part myself and found you had already done it. I’ve learned so very much from you.
Curse (Book 1 of the Wexkia trilogy)
‘First of all, it is one of the most unpredictable books that I’ve read in a long time, simply in the sense that there weren’t any of the tell-tale plot twists or hackneyed story lines, …’

Counter Currents
Sharon Cathcart wrote on Gooreads: “I enjoyed the book a great deal and would recommend it without hesitation to historical fiction fans.”
A Plague of Dreams (Dreamwood Tales vol. 1)
Robert Crosley wrote on Amazon:
“It is this ability, creating a compelling story that is entertaining on the surface, while exploring a snippet of a “very big idea” that puts Mr. Gregory[sic] in the same class of the Golden Age masters of the science-fiction short story.” (he meant Mr. Hancock)
Delaney’s Hope
“A great read–a prison reformer, prisoners, and bureaucrats duke it out”

“Filled with sweet emotion, but also heart wrenching hurt, TERMS OF SURRENDER by Lorrie Farrelly is exactly why I am such a fan of historical fiction!”

“I recommend TIMELAPSE to anyone who likes a fast-paced story that keeps the pages turning until the very end. This is one of my favorite books of the year.”

When Rosa Came Home by Karen Wyld
“The elements of magic realism reconnect the reader with feelings of wonder which all too often are left behind in childhood.”

‘Surviving the Battleground of Childhood’
I laughed, cried and was astounded at how well it was worded to make you feel that you could see it all happening.

Controlled Descent (Resurrection: Book 1)
“My only complaint is the book is too short. I wanted more when it ended.”
Triple Dog Dare

“The Funniest Book of the Year Award”
Sorry about that!
The Spider Catchers
“A solid introduction to a new thriller series.” Kirkus Reviews