Twitter Announces Deal with Google

Twitter makes deal with Google via Indies UnlimitedTwitter just became more relevant in the search world. Twitter announced last week that Google would have access to its tweets. Gradually, during the first half of 2015, you should start seeing tweets show up in Google search results.

I can remember the first mentions of Twitter toward the end of 2006. By 2007, Twitter had effectively gone mainstream, with talking heads on news shows throwing out Twitter handles with no clue about what they were talking about. My initial reaction was that someone must have paid a boatload of money to get this new app off the ground … it will never last. Continue reading “Twitter Announces Deal with Google”

Featured Book: See Bride Run!

See Bride Run by Charlotte HughesSee Bride Run!
by Charlotte Hughes
Available from and Amazon UK.

Heiress Annie Hartford flees her wedding in her father’s limo, which breaks down in a small Georgia town. All Annie possesses is a designer wedding dress and tiara. Annie, who has never wanted for anything, finds herself living in a garage apartment, wearing second-hand clothes, and riding a borrowed bicycle.

Writing Critique Groups – Join One

checklistWriting critique groups are a great way to get feedback on your works in progress. It used to be that in order to participate, authors would gather once a month or so at a member’s house and take turns reading their latest works. Nowadays there are several kinds of critique groups: online, formal, informal, local. Some are homogeneous, comprised of members who write in the same genre. Others, like mine, are eclectic with members writing different things: memoir, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. Some groups have specific focuses, such as checking grammar and spelling only. Some look for flow and pacing only. Some have only beginning writers, others professional or semi-professional writers. No one size fits all. Even how often they meet, whether they send written critiques on ahead, whether they expect a written excerpt before meetings so they can have their comments ready, or whether they read their submissions at the meetings. The number of members can vary as much as the approach.

Continue reading “Writing Critique Groups – Join One”