Thrifty Thursday: eBook Deals for You

click that mouse for ebook dealsAw yeah, click that mouse – these  super hot free and 99 cent eBook  Thrifty Thursday deals are just for you!

Readers: look in the comment section below. If you see one you like, click over and buy it. How easy is that? (If you don’t see the book covers, adjust your browser’s adblock settings.)

Authors: if you have a book priced at 99¢ or less (that’s right, post your free eBooks here, too!), follow the instructions below and post it right in the comment section. Got more than one bargain book? Go ahead and post them all if you like, but only one book and ONE link per comment please!

We will convert your link to a clickable book cover. Do not attempt to insert an image in comments on your own. Just put the following information in the comment section:

1. Book title
2. Author name
3. A one sentence
blurb (~140 characters – longer descriptions will be deleted)
4. ONE link to download the book (only secure retail sites – Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, Kobo, Apple/iStore, or Sony)
5. Whether your book is free or 99 cents (and for how long/what dates)

Then let your friends and fans know your book is available here today. Use the share buttons below, or copy the link in the address bar above and share the news on your favorite social media platforms. The more, the merrier, right?

So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your cheap read. IU is a safe-for-work site. PLEASE do not post links to erotica, religious, or political titles.

[Note: if the book cover images below do not display properly, please check your AdBlock settings.]

Which “Questions for Greg” Flash Fiction Story Gets Your Vote?

Vote5It’s that time again…time to choose your favorite flash fiction story of the week! The judges have made their choices – their picks for the top entries are included below. Confused? Check out our rule change for 2015. The judges have whittled down the entries to a select few, and now it’s your turn: time for the public to have the final say. It’s super easy – we’ve even labeled the finalists to make them easier to spot. Now you just have to choose your favorite and cast your vote below for this week’s Flash Fiction champion.

Remember, the winning entries will all be included in the next edition of the IU Flash Fiction Anthology.

Check out this week’s entries here. Make your decision, then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word.

Voting polls close Thursday at 5 PM Pacific time.

Which "Questions for Greg" story should win this week?

  • Greg Phelan (36%, 60 Votes)
  • Karin Derauf (32%, 53 Votes)
  • Mandy White (28%, 47 Votes)
  • Jon Jefferson (1%, 2 Votes)
  • Venkatesh Iyer (1%, 2 Votes)
  • D L Brown (1%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 165

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NOTE: Entrants whose submissions are not relevant to the prompts and/or exceed the 250 word limit are eliminated from the poll. ONE VOTE PER PERSON, please. Duplicate votes will be deleted. The results displayed above are unofficial until verified by administration.

Book Brief: The Revenant

The Revenant by Elise AbramThe Revenant
by Elise Abram
Genres: Young Adult Paranormal
Word Count: 62,238

Raised from the dead as a revenant more than a hundred years ago, Zulu possesses superior stealth, superhuman speed, and a keen intellect. His only companion is Morgan the Seer, an old man cursed with longevity and the ability to see the future in his dreams. Zulu has spent the last century working with Morgan in order to save the people in his nightmares from horrible fates. Branded a vigilante by the media, Zulu must live his life in the shadows, traveling by night or in the city’s underground unless his quest demands otherwise.

Morgan also has enemies. His twin brother Malchus, a powerful necromancer, is raising an army of undead minions to hunt Morgan down. If they can’t stop him from raising his army,  killing someone as powerful as Malchus will be impossible. And there is much more at stake than just their own lives.

The Revenant is available through, Amazon UK, and all major online bookstores. Continue reading “Book Brief: The Revenant”

Tumblr Follow Fest

Find your Tumblr blog URL
Click to enlarge

There’s been a lot of talk about Tumblr lately. Seems all the cool kids are migrating there from Facebook. If you aren’t sure what that is, Kat Cantwell wrote an introductory post about it. And our Kat Brooks wrote a tutorial  to show you how easy it is to get up and running. So come on down and join in the Tumblr follow-fest!

This is how it works: If you are an author, publisher, publicist, literary agent, book reviewer, librarian (or especially a book-lover), etc., in the comments below, paste in the link for your Tumblr blog. Make sure you show some love to the blog in the comments above yours, and check back throughout the day to catch up. to get your ID, merely go to your dashboard and copy the link next to the BIG pink arrow in the picture above (i.e. –

Click on the person’s link in the comments section below, and you will go to their blog. Then click Follow. (See photo below.)
follow a tumblr

This should be fun and should generate a lot of exposure for everyone who plays. Let’s get the party started!