The holiday season is upon us and I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all you little Indies a fabulous – er – holiday season. I meant to do that – to prove a point. One of the great things about being an Indie is that you can go back and edit things after you’ve published them. Being an Indie is akin to freedom – freedom to publish whatever you want, whenever you want, and then being able to correct it, or not.
I’ve been hearing rumors that some of your books aren’t selling. Or not selling much. That’s a risk you take, you know, when you don’t have a name like mine, Bob Hammond, to precede you and generate sales. “How do you do it, Bob?” you ask. That’s Mr. Hammond to you, kid. And I’ll tell you how I do it – in fact, I wrote this book as a Christmas gift specifically for you Indies. Yes, I know, it’s benevolent of me and all that. That’s how I roll. I’m Bob Hammond.
You can read my uplifting advice to Indies in my newย book: Bob Hammond: All That and a Bag of Bob Hammond-Flavored Chips. That’s right. I’m delicious. And not only that, this book is chock full of inspirational quotes to help little Indies keep their chins up during these tough times. Watch out, Howie Hughes, I’m about to dethrone you as king of the Indies. And really, trying to capitalize on having the same name as that tycoon guy? Sheesh. That’s what pomme-de-terres are for. That was free advice. You’re welcome.
Like I was saying, I’ve got inspirational quotes just for you Indies, like:
- Don’t worry, you won’t be a starving author forever – eventually you’ll die.
- Once you’re dead, you have a shot at post-hummus fame. So, you have twice the chances to be famous!
- Just think, twenty years ago, you couldn’t have published that!
- Isn’t it great to be in control of your career?
So buck up, little Indie, and give yourself the gift of Bob Hammond this holiday season. What could be better? That was a trick question. Nothing could be better, of course. You’re welcome.
Dear Bob,
Where are you when America needs you? Get your mojo together and take on the Trumpeter!
Thanks! You made my day!
Happy Holidays to the gang at Indies Unlimited!
And a Happy Christmas to you too Bob Hammond.
More importantly. Happy Christmas to all those lovely people who make Indies Unlimited work. All year long they do an incredibly unselfish job just for our indie benefit. That deserves special thanks. And they pour out wisdom and good advice which helps us avoint traps and get out of holes and generally become better writers. That’s like giving us gold!
A very happyChristmas to all at IU and an interesting and inspiring New Year! ๐
I am left speechless by the thought of Bob-Hammond-flavored chips.
Happy holidays, everybody. ๐
Lynne, Bob is busy, so he’s asked me to let you know that it’s a new Lays flavor.

That’s Bob, all right… ๐