Mark W. Sasse Announces New Release

Author Mark W. Sasse is pleased to announce the release of his new novel,  Beauty Rising.

“My heart sank. I dumped my father’s ashes in the heart of communist Vietnam – over a thousand miles from the death of his comrades – over a thousand miles from the smile of that girl. How could I have been so stupid?”

Only the bumbling, overweight, thirtyish, stay-at-home Martin Kinney could have mistakenly flubbed his dying father’s request with such gusto. This thousand mile mistake awakens the ghosts of long-held family secrets and puts Martin on a fateful course with an unlikely romantic interest – a young, beautiful, yet troubled Vietnamese woman named My Phuong.

Literary R&R says: “5 Stars . . . This story just resonates with redemptive beauty.”

Beauty Rising was released in December 2012 is available from and Amazon UK.

Flash Fiction Vote

It’s Wednesday, and that means it is time once again for IU readers to vote for their choice in our  weekly Flash Fiction Challenge.

When we left our flash fiction challenge, only part of the story was told. A handful of brave indies have stepped forward to finish the job, but whose story did you like best?

Check out this week’s entries here. Vote for your fave then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word that the vote is on.


Vote for your choice in our weekly Flash Fiction Challenge

  • Robert K. Blechman (30%, 32 Votes)
  • Dick C Waters (28%, 30 Votes)
  • Ed Drury (24%, 26 Votes)
  • Gary Munson (12%, 13 Votes)
  • JK Mikals (2%, 2 Votes)
  • A.L. Kaplan (2%, 2 Votes)
  • Sherri Springle (1%, 1 Votes)
  • A K Butler (1%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 107

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Sneak Peek: The Cascade Annihilator

Today we have a sneak peek from author Chris James’s new science fiction novel, The Second Internet Cafe, Part 2: The Cascade Annihilator.

Dimension researcher Lucas Hunter returns to confront his nemesis, Dietrich, in an explosive showdown. But now Lucas’s enemy is armed with the most devastating weapon imaginable.

In reality one, the Second Internet Café is itself under renewed threat. The return of Dietrich has given its enemies the means to see it closed down once and for all. From among its staff, senior analyst Paula Featherstone finds herself unwittingly thrown into the centre of the battle to keep control of the Second Internet Café. As danger of a military strike on Europe in our universe increases, Lucas jumps to an alternate 1988 to confront Dietrich. Back in the Second Internet Café, Paula and others struggle to keep the facility functioning so Lucas can return.

Lucas clashes with Dietrich in a devastating final battle, where he must defeat both Dietrich and the weapon that can destroy our universe: the cascade annihilator.

The Cascade Annihilator is currently available from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and in print from Lulu.

Here is an excerpt from The Cascade AnnihilatorContinue reading “Sneak Peek: The Cascade Annihilator”

Meet the Author: Aron Joice

Aron Joice is a published songwriter, and the author of The Lost Children of Managrail series. The Rising, book one of the Ya Fantasy is currently available in Ebook and print. Book two — Vanished, will be released in early 2013 along with her novella The Land of Beautiful. An adult historical fiction is also in the works. Aron is passionate about the arts and rescuing animals.

As with many writers, Aron says getting through the learning curve of all the social media platforms has been a challenge. “At first I read every Writer’s Digest available, bought books, studied everything I could find online and then mapped out a plan. I didn’t get Twitter, or why anyone would spend their time tweeting. Facebook was a challenge and still is for me. I found a few blogs that I believed to be relevant to my purpose and stayed true. I felt like I was in Platform College. On a one to one basis I like Linkedin, it is more give and take. I’ve made wonderful friends on Twitter and we support one another. FB is like a newspaper to me. I have to say Indies Unlimited has taught me more than I could ever imagine and has been a great guide.” Continue reading “Meet the Author: Aron Joice”