Collaborative Contracts for Authors

collaboration contract for authorsIn this age of cooperation among writers (much better than competition!), it seems like we see a lot more collaborative efforts. From multiple writers on a single book to multiple writers banding together to create boxed sets, more and more authors are finding supportive boosts from working together: the antithesis of the lonely writer squirreled away at a corner desk, writing in dim isolation. The only drawback (if that’s what you want to call it) is the added consideration of how rights are assigned and profits are distributed.

My brother and I have found that we feed off each other’s creativity. We’re both writers, but we differ in that he’s got the knack for writing screenplays, a fairly bare-bones way of setting down a story, while I write novels where I can expand and expound. Either of us, I think, would be hard-pressed to write in the other’s style. So we’ve worked out a way to combine our efforts so all the bases are covered. Continue reading “Collaborative Contracts for Authors”

The Rush to Publish

Rush to Publish We’ve all heard the old maxim, “Act in haste; repent at leisure.” This is true in a lot of things, most especially in publishing. Why more so in publishing? Because when we authors act in haste, we’re not just saying something inappropriate that will be forgotten in time; we’re not just acting badly in one instance that eventually will be forgiven. We’re putting our words out there on paper (or on screen) forever. Continue reading “The Rush to Publish”

Basic Marketing for New Authors: Social Media

Marketing 101 for authorsLast week, we covered some of the entry-level marketing tools new authors will need. You will need some of those items (your author photo, bio, and website links) in order to move forward with the social media basics we’re about to explore.

There are hundreds of social media sites out there, and like any marketing strategy, you need to choose the one that is right for you. So, below you will find the bare basics which I recommend you consider. Continue reading “Basic Marketing for New Authors: Social Media”

Basic Marketing for New Authors

Marketing 101 for authorsOkay, you’ve done the hard work of writing your book and publishing it. Now you can sit back and relax, right? Uh, no. Not even close. Now the real work starts: marketing.  I know, just the word makes you break out into cold sweats, right? What do you do? How do you start? Relax–sit back, breathe, and let’s talk about the first basic things you should do. Continue reading “Basic Marketing for New Authors”