Promotion on Indies Unlimited? It’s Elementary!

The answer is so obvious. It’s Indies Unlimited!

Looking for a clue as to how to get the word out about you and your work?

Indies Unlimited is dedicated to celebrating, informing, and promoting indie authors. This site provides a platform that can increase your exposure and introduce your work to new readers.

The array of free features includes announcements, video trailers, guest posts, “sneak-peek” book excerpts, Freebie Fridays, Story Time features, our weekly flash fiction competitions, and author interviews. The submissions guidelines are explained in detail on the Submissions Page. Authors who participate in these features will also have their books showcased in the IU store for one year.

We also offer a wide choice of affordable promotional packages for authors and service providers.

Good Help Can Be Hard To Find

The old adage is true. It can be hard to find good help. If you’re looking for editing, proofing, cover design, etc, it can be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

While lots of service providers have a great sales pitch, their quality doesn’t always match up. Recommendations from friends are sometimes helpful, but your mileage may vary.

Unfortunately, there is no substitute for doing your own homework when it comes to these things. However, as a jumping off point, here are a few folks you can check out:

Indies Unlimited does not endorse  any specific services, products, or organizations. Interested parties should always research a vendor before paying for services.

New Edition

An editorial service for writers, especially beginners. Low rates.


Steady Hand Communications – JD Mader

Freelance: articles, ghostwriting, SEO content. Original writing. Fast turn-around.



Laurie Boris

Copyediting and proofreading. Free beta reads and sample edits. Reasonable rates.


Be Write There

Providing people-focused proofreading, editing and copywriting services at flexible rates.

Jim Devitt

Freelancer specializing in healthcare articles, Sales/Marketing, Social Media, copywriting, SEO. Contact for quotes.

Antrobus Alert

Author David Antrobus
Police Artist Sketch of Author David Antrobus

Well, he did it. David Antrobus has managed to escape from the Indies Unlimited compound. Don’t worry, he won’t get far with those manacles on.

We’ve had a local police sketch artist do a drawing of our fugitive author, utilizing special proprietary law enforcement “age progression” software. This is what David should look like now that he’s been gone a week. If you see him, please let us know so that we may retrieve him. There was a recent Antrobus sighting in the Vancouver vicinity. He should be considered armed and dangerous.

Meanwhile, if you need your weekly Antrobus fix, please feel free to peruse the unabridged Antrobus literary collection here. And do let us know if you see him. Our tasers are set to stun.

T.D. McKinnon Joins Indies Unlimited

Author T.D. McKinnon

We are pleased to announce that T.D. McKinnon has joined Indies Unlimited as a contributing author.

T.D. joined the British Parachute Regiment when he was just fifteen years old. After spending five years in the British army he worked at a number of occupations including high risk security: event and venue security, close personal protection, cash and gem escort and armed, rapid response for a national bank group. His close personal protection company was responsible for the safety of a member of the Spanish royal family in the late 80’s and was also part of the anti terrorist security team for President George Bush senior’s visit to Australia in 1992.

He trained in the martial arts for most of his life and achieved mastery in several forms he represented at national level, both in Scotland and Australia. He now lives in Tasmania with his wife, professional actor, singer, dancer and editor Zoë Lake. You know, except for all the particulars, this reminds me of my own life.

Hmmm… it feels like I’m leaving something out. Oh right—he’s also a prolific author in the genres of action/thriller, speculative fiction, memoir and historical fiction. Please welcome T.D. McKinnon to Indies Unlimited.