Use a “Fat Outline” for Powerful Writing

Click to enlarge image.

Okay, everybody knows about outlines. I used the letters-and-numbers version above. Bureaucracies, of course, like the specificity of decimals, “Please refer to section” MSWord will automatically format these for you, if it doesn’t drive you nuts in the process by refusing to do it any other way.

I also freely admit that I never start my writing with an outline. But like Dean Lappi in his IU article, To Outline or Not to Outline,  I always reach a stage in my project when I start an outline, because it’s impossible to keep it all straight in my head. My outlines in the past have been linear, like the left-hand column above.

We’re Always Improving

However, I have just learned about another kind of outline that has the potential to change my writing style for the better, so I’m sharing it with you. It’s called the Fat Outline. Continue reading “Use a “Fat Outline” for Powerful Writing”

How Can I Gain More Subscribers for My Author Mailing List?

newsletter subscribers people-2588620_640Ah yes, the question that so many of us toss and turn at night trying to answer: How do I get more subscribers for my newsletter? We’ve figured out how to use Mailerlite or Mailchimp of some other mail delivery service, now how do we find readers who want to hear from us? Here are a few ways the IU staff builds their subscriber lists. Continue reading “How Can I Gain More Subscribers for My Author Mailing List?”

Google+ is Going Bye-Bye

Google Plus LogoI don’t know about you, but frankly, I’m relieved. I’m already spread so thin between working, writing (more like not writing), life, and social media, that the fact that we are losing one of the places we should have a presence is a gift. And honestly, I haven’t found Google+ to be one of the most user-friendly platforms out there. I never could figure out circles, and I have literally never been able to find the Indies Unlimited group on Google+. Thank you to everyone who has been managing/moderating/running that group. You may now take a well-deserved vacation. Continue reading “Google+ is Going Bye-Bye”

Smashwords vs. Draft2Digital

library-1666703_640It’s been a while since we’ve had a post outlining the similarities and differences between Smashwords and Draft2Digital (D2D), and since both have made changes over the years, now seems like a good time.

Smashwords, introduced by Mark Coker in 2008, was a breakthrough for many small presses and self-published authors because it offered a way to get eBooks into stores authors couldn’t otherwise access. A few years later, D2D came along offering many of the same perks. So which should you use? Let’s take a look at both. Continue reading “Smashwords vs. Draft2Digital”