Thanks for attending Using Flash to Improve Your Writing. Below you will find live links from the class handouts, plus a bunch of bonus articles. If you have any other questions, please feel free to drop me an email.
One of the amazing things about the indie community is the willingness to share knowledge and information. So here are some articles you may find helpful in honing your writing skills.
Lynne Cantwell’s Five Flash Fiction Elements
Beautiful verbs/expressive verbs
Flash Fiction: A Literary Addiction
Five Reasons to be a Flash Fiction Junkie
Fabulous article on “Showing not Telling” by Krista Tibbs
Paint a picture with fewer words
More reasons to write flash fiction
10 excellent flash fiction writing tips
Using the Microsoft Word Speak utility
Articles on Filter Words:
Words and phrases to avoid in writing
Words that weaken your fiction
Articles on Strong Verbs:
Download your free tutorial books, courtesy of Indies Unlimited.
These books were published quite a while ago, but much of the instruction contained within is still up-to-date.
Tutorials & Tools for Prospering in a Digital World
Volume 1 link:
Coupon Code: NM75K
Volume 2 link:
Coupon Code: WH24X
Coupons expire in 60 days
Facebook Groups for Writers
General writerly stuff: BookGoodies
Writer questions and support: Indies Unlimited Fan Group
Flash Fiction “contests” recommended by an addict:
Siobhan Muir hosts a weekly 250-word limit flash fiction competition each Thursday on her blog, called the Thursday Threads Challenge.
The Write Services host a similar competition every Sunday, called the ATA Flash Fiction Challenge, again usually with a 250-word limit.
Indies Unlimited also host a weekly photo prompt every Saturday, again with a 250 word limit.
And Dan Mader has a weekly free-write – called ‘2 Minutes. Go!’ – with no word limit which he hosts on his Unemployed Imagination blog on Thursday and Friday each week. There are no winners there, but there are lots of other keen writers who’ll offer constructive and kind comments on all posts made there.
Key slides from the class not included in the information above (click on an image to enlarge it):