K.S. Brooks Interviewed by Cyrus Webb

Author K.S. Brooks

In case you missed it, yesterday our own K.S. “Kat” Brooks was interviewed by Cyrus Webb of Conversations LIVE! radio and Conversations Magazine.

It was a riveting half-hour interview in which she spills all the dirt and names names. There is a distinct possibility she said something about you. Or maybe not. I recommend you find out though.

Okay, I may have made that part up. Mostly, she talks about Mr. Pish. Kat is very above-board and professional. It’s Pish you have to worry about. He knows things.

Congrats to Kat on a great interview!

Here is the audio of the interview:

Listen to internet radio with Cyrus Webb on Blog Talk Radio

Cinnamon Press Novel/Novella Writing Award

Cinnamon PressThe Cinnamon Press Novel/Novella Writing Award competition is now accepting submissions from new and published authors. The aim of this award is to encourage new authors, enabling debut novelists/novella writers to achieve a first publication in this genre. The winning author has his/her first novel published by Cinnamon Press and receives a prize of £400. The four runners up also receive a full appraisal of their novel.

Entry fee is £16 per entry.

The deadline for submissions is 30th June 2012.

For more information, please visit their website.

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Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers. We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition. Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering.

Build Your Wings

When I was maybe 12 or 13 years old, one of the first stories I ever wrote was about an old man wandering the streets in a dystopian future. He was so old and forgotten that he couldn’t even remember his name, going by the initials RDB. Those initials, of course, stood for Raymond Douglas Bradbury, and the man at the time was my literary hero. My very obvious stylistic mimicry of him back then, in that and many other proto-stories, was excruciating yet necessary; all part of a writer’s journey. But it’s no exaggeration to say I almost certainly wouldn’t have been a writer had it not been for Ray Bradbury and his short stories in particular. Up until the time I opened a well-pawed library copy of The Illustrated Man, I knew I loved stories (what kid doesn’t?), but I’d never realised until that moment how those stories could be presented, enclosed in beauty, garnished with lyricism and beauty. Not just the tale but the telling. That was Bradbury’s gift to me and countless other readers who, thanks to his example, began to dream of also being writers. Continue reading “Build Your Wings”

Sneak Peek: Arctic Wargame by Ethan Jones

Arctic WargameToday we have a sneak peek of Ethan Jones’ spy thriller, Arctic Wargame:

Canadian Intelligence Service Agent Justin Hall—combat-hardened in field operations—has been demoted after a botched mission in Libya.

When two foreign icebreakers appear in Canadian Arctic waters, Justin volunteers for the reconnaissance mission, eager to return to the field. His team discovers a foreign weapons cache in the Arctic, but they are not aware a spy has infiltrated the Department of National Defence.

The team begins to unravel a treasonous plan against Canada, but they fall under attack from one of their own. Now the team must survive the deadly Arctic not only to save themselves, but their country.

Arctic Wargame is available from Amazon.com for Kindle and in Paperback.

Continue reading “Sneak Peek: Arctic Wargame by Ethan Jones”