When I started this blogging thing I was told there would be no math. It turns out that the plug-in I have for conducting polls on the site is insufficient to meet our demand, so the crack engineering team at Indies Unlimited has come up with a workaround. We will use Facebook polling on the Indies Unlimited Facebook page to conduct the voting for best writing exercise entry. You may review the entries HERE.
To make it more interesting though, the crack engineering team at Facebook, showing their customary foresightedness restricted the FB polls to ten entries, and we have more than that. So you will see two polls over there. DO NOT PANIC.
Just go to https://www.facebook.com/IndiesUnlimited and vote for the entry you liked best. Then encourage your friends and fans to vote as well. Voting will close at 5 pm mountain time on Thursday January 5, 2012. The recipient with the most votes wins a feature post and publication at year end.