Writing and OCD. Writing and OCD.

When I was 12 or 13, things started getting weird.  I had to do everything an even number of times. I started worrying about germs a lot. I worried about what other people were thinking about me. I worried, period. I began to over-analyze EVERYTHING. Including my tendency toward over-analysis. I did not want to … Continue reading “Writing and OCD. Writing and OCD.”

What Can Indies Unlimited Do for You?

  We indie authors need all the help we can get to spread the word about our writing. We don’t have an army of agents and publicists at our disposal. We don’t have a big publishing house pushing our books onto the front shelves of every remaining brick and mortar store in the world. Still, … Continue reading “What Can Indies Unlimited Do for You?”

Getting It Right: This Just In: Writing News Copy into Your Fiction, Part 2

Last time, we talked about writing print news stories – the kind you would find in your morning newspaper.  Today we’ll talk about how broadcast copy is different, and why. Write for the ear:  I have a confession.  While I was writing my fake Sotheby’s story for the last installment, I was wincing.  No, actually, … Continue reading “Getting It Right: This Just In: Writing News Copy into Your Fiction, Part 2”

Book Brief: A New Way to Spotlight Your Work

Indies Unlimited is pleased to announce a new feature to help put the spotlight on authors and their books. Book Brief is a is a simple Q&A type combination feature that includes a book blurb, a mini-interview about the book, a picture of the book cover, a review excerpt, and purchase links for the book. … Continue reading “Book Brief: A New Way to Spotlight Your Work”