Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Brown Bear by K. S. Brooks
I’m listening!

Got some good news to share? Take advantage of one of our announcement features.

Announcement Features are short blurbs in which you share notices of a new release, an award, a great review by a recognized review site or publication, an upcoming multi-city book tour, etc. They may include a picture, if appropriate, and links as desired. You can see examples of the Announcement Features HERE and HERE. Authors submitting an announcement feature will have that book showcased in the IU store for one year. Book announcement features require a purchase link for Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble or some other mainstream outlet. Please include at least one of these links with your query.

The array of free features includes announcements, video trailers, guest posts, “sneak-peek” book excerpts, Freebie Fridays, Story Time features, our weekly flash fiction competitions, and author interviews. The submissions guidelines are explained in detail on the Submissions Page. Authors who participate in these features will also have their books showcased in the IU store for one year.

We also offer a wide choice of affordable promotional packages for authors and service providers.

Hop on the Video Trailer

Eddie Izzard Eating Pretend Popcorn
Eddie Izzard Eating Pretend Popcorn at a Boring Movie

Who doesn’t love to have their appetite whetted by a good movie teaser? Break out the popcorn! Well, a good book trailer video can have the same effect. So why not have your book’s video trailer featured here, at Indies Unlimited, for free?

If you’d like to have your trailer featured, please query using the contact form here. Make sure to include a link to the trailer as well as a purchase link to your book on a verified retail site.

The Video Trailer Feature requires a 100 word book description to accompany the video. Include a link to YouTube so we can obtain the necessary HTML code. You can see an example HERE. Authors submitting a Video Trailer will have that book showcased in the IU store for one year. These features require a purchase link for Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble or some other mainstream outlet. Trailers should not have a run time in excess of 1:30 (90 seconds).

Deduction, Deduction … What’s Your Function?

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are running a business with our writing. Sure, some consider it a hobby, but if you are paying expenses and receiving income, then no matter how big or small, you’ve got yourself a business.

Is this a Deduction?

Last week, I gave you an overview of what your options are in regards to establishing a corporation. Today, we will focus on ways to leverage the advantages to being self-employed. It doesn’t matter whether you incorporate or remain a sole proprietor, all the tips today apply to both. I hope this will serve as a nice checklist for you when sitting down to do taxes. Continue reading “Deduction, Deduction … What’s Your Function?”