Sneak Peek: John Farrell Is Utrinque Paratus

John Farrell Is Utrinque Paratus
by T.D. McKinnon

John Farrell has to be ‘ready for anything’ (Utrinque Paratus) as he is taken on a rollercoaster journey from his coalmining community origins in County Durham to Aldershot, the home of the British army, and to war torn Belfast; from London to the poverty ridden streets of Mexico City; from inside the infamous Wormwood Scrubs, to the South of France, to Glasgow, the Scottish Highlands, Berlin and Bangkok.

Along the way, influenced by the evil men do, inadvertently it seems, John kills: in desperation, in fear, in anger, in ignorance accidentally. Does that make John Farrell a bad person? You decide! Orphan, boxer, soldier, convict, writer, fighter, loyal friend, protector, loving family man and killer. Killing is something not only evil men do.

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Sneak Peek: Topaz and the Plum-Gista Stone

Today we have a sneak peek from author Pat Frayne’s young adult fantasy book, Topaz and the Plum-Gista Stone (Book 2 of the Tales of Topaz the Yellow Conjure Cat):

Topaz and his raccoon friend, Dooley, face life-threatening dangers when they try to help an old friend. Circumstances beyond their control force them to travel to a forbidden land in search of a rare and precious stone. Terrifying events cause Topaz to wonder if his conjure powers will be enough to protect them as dark magical forces begin to close in.

Topaz and the Plum-Gista Stone is available from, Amazon UK, and Barnes &

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Sneak Peek: The Star Wars Enigma

Today we have a sneak peek from author Nigel Hey’s book: The Star Wars Enigma: Behind the Scenes of the Cold War Race for Missile Defense.

After 40 years of East-West nuclear standoff, President Ronald Reagan created the program he called the Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed Star Wars. This book contains a wealth of information about Soviet, as well as American, efforts to rule the skies with exotic new defensive weaponry. Personal interviews with American, Soviet, and British experts provided thousands of words of previously unpublished material upon this pivotal gambit in the Cold War stakes. The Star Wars Enigma traces the origin, the proponents and opponents, and the drama that accompanied the downfall of Soviet defense strategy and ended the threat of East-West nuclear holocaust.

The Star Wars Enigma is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK and Barnes & Noble.

And now, an excerpt from The Star Wars EnigmaContinue reading “Sneak Peek: The Star Wars Enigma”

Sneak Peek: Lime

LimeToday we have a sneak peek from author Melda Beaty’s new novel: Lime.

Fashion Week, cover of Vogue, haute couture fashion, international appearances, and product endorsements propel Lime Prince into Supermodel icon and temporarily away from the realities of her past. Her Ethiopian and Jamaican genes, accented with piercing lime green eyes and a runner’s physique, are the object of every man’s desire and take the New York fashion world by storm. But when the fantasies of beauty collide with the realities of domestic violence, will her sordid past shame her out of the glitz and glamour of the modeling world?

Lime is available from Amazon US and all Amazon channels.

And now, an excerpt from LimeContinue reading “Sneak Peek: Lime”