Tutorial: Tweeting to Facebook

It was brought to my attention by the Evil Mastermind that I’d missed a tutorial. We’ve covered how to generate tweets from Facebook here. But I’d yet to cover how to generate status updates from Twitter to Facebook. Shame on me, especially because I was already doing it.

Currently I have my stuff set up so that Mr. Pish’s page and my personal author Facebook page send updates to their respective Twitter accounts. But, since my personal Facebook account is marked private, I don’t want those updates going out to the world on Twitter. So, I have it set up so that any time I go to Twitter and tweet, it sends an update to my Facebook profile. Continue reading “Tutorial: Tweeting to Facebook”

On Twitter Literature

Guest post
by Robert K. Blechman

Willum Mortimus Granger was beside himself. In fact when his body was found the top half was right next to the bottom.

Thus begins my live-tweeted comic mystery novel, Executive Severance. The investigating detective soon realizes that the victim was on Twitter when he was slain. Were his Twitter posts the key to solving his murder? Further along in the investigation, the detective is asked for his ID and flashes his cell phone: Continue reading “On Twitter Literature”

Is it Time to Get Socl?

It’s that time of year again! Snow is falling, shoppers are bustling and a new social media platform has surfaced.

Just what we needed, right?

Well, since it’s the holidays and you might have a little down time, here’s a new one for you to play with … Socl.

Pronounced social, this new platform allows you to express and share your ideas through collages of images, links, captions and videos. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Continue reading “Is it Time to Get Socl?”

Dlvr.it Delivers: Promoting Blog Posts

When you have a new blog post, how do you notify your followers on Twitter and Facebook? Initially I did it the old-fashioned way. I scheduled the blog post and shortly after it published, I’d manually tweet and share to Facebook. That worked unless I slept in that day (don’t tell my boss) or was deep into a project for my day job and forgot (please do tell my boss).

However, my ideal situation was to be able to schedule a post and have a tweet and a post sharing the link on Facebook happen automatically. I found a plethora of ways to accomplish the tweet, but when it came to Facebook, I wasn’t happy with any of the solutions. My main complaint was that none of the approaches I found gave a post with a picture. All of my blog posts start with a picture of a book cover or an author. Facebook posts with pictures, what you’d get as the default if sharing a link of the blog post manually, catch my attention much quicker than plain text. Continue reading “Dlvr.it Delivers: Promoting Blog Posts”