Welcome one and all to Indies Unlimited, a blog for independent authors and independent readers.
The people have spoken. Nearly one percent of my Facebook fans (as well as some guy I met at a diner) all felt very strongly that I should start a blog – or at least they didn’t strongly object.
This fits well with my plans of total world domination. So now I set forth, following in the footsteps of other rich and famous bloggers like what’s-his-name and that one lady – you know the ones I mean, right? Never mind then.
Anyway, to throw you off the scent of my evil plan, this blog won’t really be about me. I want to keep you distracted by providing the very best entertainment that (no) money can buy. Here, you will find interviews with authors, reviewers and other industry bigwigs. I will continue the photo caption contests here as just a fun exercise to get your creative juices flowing. You’ll also see links, articles, reviews, memorable quotes and all kinds of things to divert and amuse you while I go through your pockets looking for loose change.
For now, it’s a one-man-show, but as soon as I stock up on duct tape and chloroform, I’ll be adding some co-bloggers. In the mean-time go ahead and snoop around. Do come back soon though.
Hi, Stephen!
I claim the honor of being the first to leave a comment! Impressive job, up to now! Go on like this
Much appreciated, Annarita!
Awesome and funny as always, Stephen. Good luck, look forward to reading many funny things on here. Love the layout, too.
Thanks much, Jac. I hope you'll come by often. 🙂
On this world domination thing…are you Pinkie or The Brain?
LOL! Are you thinking what I'm thinking Pinky?
It's definitely time to take over the world!
World domination, eh? So, what are we to call you…Sir? Lord ? King?……or 'Oi, you!'.
Great-looking site, have signed up! Hope to see lots of entertainment on here!
Thanks Cathy. I'm thinking a good title would be Dark Overlord, or perhaps Thighmaster – I always wanted a title like Thighmaster.
This should be fun! Nicely done!
Thanks Vanessa, I hope you'll stay tuned! 🙂
Looks fantastic! I'll bet that you can come up with a techie equivalent for "tongue in cheek!"
Thanks Peggy – I'll work on that. 😛
Total world domination … not if I get there first.
We can share. I'll settle for partial world domination. 🙂
Love the idea and the site. Well, the idea of promoting authors, not the whole world domination. LOL!! Anyway, I'd be happy to do an interview sometime.
Thanks Candy. I e-mailed you an author interview form.
Hurray! I am so pleased you went ahead and did this. I shall enjoy visiting you here.
Carol http://www.carolwyer.com http://www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for your help and encouragement Carol!
Hi, Stephen. The site looks great. I would be interested in being in your forum 🙂 I know mine has been swamped with requests, so I imagine yours is as well 🙂
Popping in to say hi. Looks great. I'll have that author interview filled out asap.
Thanks Terry – looking forward to it. 🙂