What a great first day! Indies Unlimited received over one million visitors (as far as you know). Okay, but I will state affirmatively that it was some fraction of a million visitors. My Facebook author page also broke 1000 likes. To top it off my novel, UPGRADE received a great review at Book Junkie Reviews:
I want to thank everybody who stopped by and especially those who left comments. I appreciate all the support and look forward to bringing you some quality content.
I have a lot of interviews lined up with some of the great indie authors you either know or should know, and some special events and announcements forthcoming, so please check back often.
Great to read your blog and well done on getting over 1000 likes on Facebook. I'm sure your blog will very soon have a similar number of followers (me included)
Thank you so very much Katheryn. I hope you'll sign on for an interview. 🙂