If you look at the poll data, you will see that Garrett Hise (my oldest son, a blogger and writer in his own right) won by a very large margin. However, I reviewed the actual voting records to determine whether there were any irregularities. Unfortunately, there were. The predominate amount of his votes came from the same IP address (someone voting by Verizon Wireless) just a few minutes apart.
Neither he nor I know who this might have been, and I hesitate to call it malicious. It may be that whoever was doing this was simply applying American Idol voting rules. Either way, I realize I may have been remiss in expressly pointing out that only one vote per person is allowed.
By virtue of the adjustment, David Antrobus is this week’s winner. I have contacted both David and Garrett to let them know what happened. David’s OFFICIAL recognition will occur tomorrow as per usual.
In the mean time, I have made adjustments to the vote capturing elements of the software program so this does not happen again. We will also clearly post that only one vote per person is allowed. This ain’t Chicago.
I apologize for any confusion caused by this.