There’s nothing good on TV. So we want to know about your free eBooks!
This is how it works: Each Thursday, we will put up a post like this one, calling for anyone who has a book to give away for FREE should provide ONLY the following in the comment section below:
1. Book title
2. Author name
3. A one sentence blurb
4. A link to download the book
The book must be free to anyone who clicks over to the link – not just Special Secret Squirrel Club members or whatever. You know who you are.
On Friday morning, we will randomly select five of these titles to post in the Freebie Friday Frenzy, a special vitamin-fortified post which will include book covers, link and blurb.
So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your free eBook:[subscribe2]
The Counterfeit
Tammie Clarke Gibbs
Homespun meets action-packed in a case of mistaken identity.
I'll give away a free book. "My Two Mothers" in print or Kindle on Amazon.com
Sorry, I forgot the link to my Kindle book. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_2_15?url=s…
Are you Irish? Got some Irish roots? Then here's a present right before St Patrick's Day – two fun Irish books FREE! The Seanachie and A Wee Taste of Craic are yours for the asking!
http://www.amazon.com/Seanachie-Tales-Old-Seamus-… http://www.amazon.com/Wee-Taste-Craic-popular-ebo…
The Seanachie by Gerry McCullough
A Wee Taste of Craic by Raymond McCullough
Renee Pawlish
A long-lost emerald, a missing treasure map, and a wealthy villain combine for an action-packed adventure!
Eddie's Shorts – Volume 1
M. Edward McNally
"A free pair of my old shorts." 😉
The Voynich Cypher
Russell Blake
When a sacred relic is stolen from its subterranean guarded vault, Dr. Steven Cross, amateur cryptographer, becomes embroiled in a deadly quest to decipher one of history's most enigmatic documents – a 15th century parchment written entirely in unbreakable code, protected by secret societies who will stop at nothing to keep its secrets hidden.
BAD SPRITS (Novella)
DV Berkom
Kate Jones is on the run with a backpack full of money, intent on finding her way back to the United States from Mexico; unfortunately, a ruthless drug lord named Salazar is just as intent on finding her, retrieving his stolen money, and making her pay for ever having left him.
Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Bad-Spirits-Books-Adventure… (also available on B&N and Smashwords)
Thanks, IU!
The Card
Jim Devitt
A suspenseful YA/Teen novel that blows the lid off of scientific advancement, in a story of breathtaking action and suspense. (and smells a lot better than McNally's old shorts)
All Jacked Up
L.A. Tripp
A normal day? What's that? Jack sure couldn't tell you.
by Carrie James Haynes
The time has come for Ramona to face her fear, her past, and walk the path destiny has chosen for her.
The Christmas Flower
Kali Seymour
Can love last after death?
Night Life (Book 3 of the Brass Monkey Series)
Susan Wells Bennett
Is that a black widower on your arm, Sondra?
Around the World in 80 Pages
by Sharon E. Cathcart
A sampler of short stories, each taking place in a different location.
Thanks so much for having a look!
Two Lions
by S Scott Johnson
Men will often fight battles which are not theirs to fight.
J.C. Martin
Horror novelette about a creepy real-life island, Latin American witchcraft, and a sinister doll.
The Liberties of London
An amusing Christmas time frolic throught the seedier parts of King Henry VIII's London by a Aspiring Rogue and Apprentice Lawyer Red Ned Bedwell in his desperate search for a mislaid country lad keener on debauchery than reform.
Working on putting my new book, DRAGONCLOUD,into the sea of Amazon, so I can provide a link to it (for you and others) some time soon.
Thanks for stirring my DO in this regard.
My blog about Ellicott City:
Has nothing to do with my book for kids and adults.
Kindle Bestseller Free for the next 5 days!
The Girl in the Italian Bakery
In The Girl in the Italian Bakery, follow his journey from childhood in a tough housing project north of Boston, the abduction and disappearance of a childhood friend, to the complete destruction of a family.