J.L. Murray was born in a brothel in Amsterdam, and at the age of three was adopted by a roving band of literary gypsies. They taught her to smoke, drink whiskey, and wax poetic by the age of five, and taking the reins, J.L. started writing on a typewriter she found in a dumpster.
She can be found these days at her writing blog, http://jlmurraywrites.blogspot.com/. She is also known to frequent the popular short story site, http://blergpop.com/, where her edgier short stories can be found.
J.L. is the bestselling author of the Niki Slobodian novels Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and The Devil Is a Gentleman, as well as the upcoming zombie parable, The Drilling Fields, out Fall 2012.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Niki Slobodian sees things — things that aren’t supposed to be there. Labeled an Abnormal by New Government, her name is tacked onto the Registry, which seems to be getting longer these days. Now she can’t work or she’ll end up the same place as her father: in prison. But with no money coming in, Niki’s getting desperate.
So when a mysterious client offers to get her off the Registry in exchange for taking his case, Niki jumps at the chance. All she has to do is round up a homicidal Dark that’s escaped from Hell and is cruising around the city in borrowed bodies. The murders are piling up, with Niki’s notorious father somehow involved, and Niki’s running out of time. And it seems the Dark isn’t the only thing that escaped…
This title is available from Amazon.
Fantastic bio. And I'm already hooked on this book!
I'm trying to be literary heroin. Thanks for reading, Laurie!
It's a nice book. No puppies appear to have been killed during the making of this book, unlike many other authors. We know what you've been up to, Rowling!
Hey! How come you folks have pictures and I'm a white blob! That's profiling, dammit!
Dammit Rich. Go to gravatar.com. Set up a free account, upload your picture, and WP will populate your comments with your picture. Were you absent the day I held that pop quiz? I'm checking attendance, young man. 😉
Um, is it a bad thing if puppies were injured during the making of this book? Jo Rowling brought them, it wasn't my fault!
I've loved that cover since the first time I saw it.
Thanks, Kat, I love it too! That would be the work of my talented cover artist Ronnell Porter.
Gotta read this one. Time … gotta make time.
When you figure out how to do that, can you let me know?
Cool stuff, love the bio. I wish mine was that cool.
And every word is true…