The Trading Post

Indie authors are responsible for every aspect of production. For us, it doesn’t stop with typing “THE END” and sending the manuscript off to some intern.

The cover design, book description, interior formatting, proofing, and editing are our responsibilities as well. We have to either do it ourselves, pay someone to do it for us, or trade services with someone who has an area of expertise we lack.

Many of us operate on shoestring budgets and would like to have a little something left over to put toward marketing. Trading services is a popular and cost-effective means for meeting everyone’s needs.

The challenge is finding an internet watering hole with a gene pool deep enough to give you a good chance of finding what you want and maybe even giving you a few different choices. We think the talent runs pretty deep in the Indies Unlimited community, so we’d like to offer up this spot for indies who would like to connect with each other to exchange services. This is for straight-up trading, not selling services, and not review-swapping.

If you are interested in connecting with others to exchange services, place the following information in the comment section:

1. The services you provide that you would be willing to trade;

2. The services you need in exchange; and

3. ONE of two ways to contact you: either a Facebook address if you want a FB private message, OR a Twitter handle if you want a Twitter direct message. DO NOT put an e-mail address, phone number, street or postal address in the comments (for your own protection against spammers, scammers, and other jackanapes)

DISCLAIMER: This post is provided as a public service. Indies Unlimited does not guarantee or warranty any service or service providers. Any agreement or arrangements made are at the sole liability and discretion of the parties involved. The individual parties to any agreements or exchanges are responsible for performing their own due diligence.

Author: Administrators

All Indies Unlimited staff members, including the admins, are volunteers who work for free. If you enjoy what you read here - all for free - please share with your friends, like us on Facebook and Twitter, and if you don't know how to thank us for all this great, free content - feel free to make a donation! Thanks for being here.

4 thoughts on “The Trading Post”

  1. When you are having a problem coming up with a title for your novel, I would offer to read the synopsis to see if I could come up with any suggestions. Time permitting and if the novel sounds interesting, I would offer to read it and pass along any noted corrections free of charge.

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