Featured Book: Don’t Tell Anyone

Don't Tell Anyone (award cover)Don’t Tell Anyone
by Laurie Boris
Genres: literature, women’s fiction
Available at Amazon US and Amazon UK.

When a family accidentally learns that their matriarch has breast cancer, their complicated weave of family secrets and lies begins to unravel. Can they hold their own lives together long enough to help Mom with hers? Winner, The Kindle Book Review’s 2013 Best Indie Books Award.


“Ma. I got to tell you something.”

Estelle couldn’t hold it in any longer. “She’s drinking.”


“Didn’t I warn you? Properly raised Jewish girls don’t drink like fish! Unitarian? What kind of meshugge religion is that? With all that coffee, and talk about the origin of the universe, and letting people believe in God or not?” She paused to catch her breath, and then lowered her voice. “You know her father was drunk at the wedding.”

“Ma, I was drunk at the wedding. So was Charlie.”

Apparently her elder son still failed to see the distinction. “No. There’s drunk and there’s drunk. You were celebrating. He was drunk. It’s in the genes. Don’t say I didn’t warn you when you come home one day and find your wife passed out on the sofa–on my sofa–and your son sticking his finger in electrical sockets and eating rat poison.”

What others are saying:

“She told a good story, gave me believable characters and dialogue, and added in some humor as well. I didn’t want this book to end.” – Amazon Customer (Lynne Schneider)

Author: Administrators

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5 thoughts on “Featured Book: Don’t Tell Anyone”

  1. This and the prequel (The Picture of Cool) are two of my favorite books in the past two years… eagerly awaiting the next installment!

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