How to Use Twitter for the Complete Newbie

A real Blue Bird not a twitter birdImagine a bunch of friends and acquaintances all in the same room wandering around yelling out random short remarks (maybe where they plan to go out to dinner or that they love their spouse) while others are screaming. Add other people waving a handful of pamphlets in the air, yelling “read this” or screaming “buy my book” or some other attempt to sell something. Occasionally another person will shout out a response to one of those questions. Sometimes people will grab half of those pamphlets and run to an adjoining room to try passing them out there or to repeat one of those remarks or questions for the people in the other room.

To be fair, most of the people above are polite; everyone takes their turn and doesn’t talk over the other guy. But even so, keeping track of all the things being said and the multiple conversations that interest you is tricky. It’s heaven (or maybe hell) for someone suffering from ADHD. I’m not so sure it doesn’t cause it in others.

This, in a nutshell, is Twitter. Continue reading “How to Use Twitter for the Complete Newbie”

Bookish Recipes for the Holidays

TurkeyWe all have our favorite holiday stories. And, of course, the holidays usually center around families and food. That means in those favorite stories, the characters are probably, at some point, seated around a festive meal at a dining room table.

Cuisine can play an important part in books – whether it sets a mood or illustrates the tastes of a character. So how about we take a moment to salute food – especially holiday food? Type your favorite literary holiday dish (or one you just like eating) in the comments below – and if you have a SHORT recipe, go ahead and include that. (Short as in one paragraph, please don’t abuse this! The moderators are already cranky! Bah humbug!) Your entry should look something like:

Plum pudding (A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens)
Recipe: Go to the store, buy some, bring it home, heat it up.

Happy cooking and happy holidays to you all.

Checklist for Self-Publishing Print Books

print book self-publishing checklist-372766_960_720Occasionally I’ll get an email or message from a newbie writer who’s read a bit about my journey and is looking for direction. The gist of the message is almost always: “I’ve written a book and I’d like to publish it, but I don’t know what to do next.” This, coupled with the fact that I recently facilitated a sold-out workshop on how to self-publish, made me realize that there are a lot of people in this same situation. It’s not surprising. There’s a ton of information out there on the web — some good, some bad — and it takes time to sift through it all and figure out the best way to proceed. Looking back, I know my own journey evolved over years, but now, with almost twenty self-published books under my belt, the process is a snap. If I could do a Vulcan mind-meld and parcel my experience out to others, I would, but failing that, maybe at least I can help some to the onramp without their having to reinvent the wheel.

I self-publish with CreateSpace, Amazon’s subsidiary, and this tutorial is geared to that. Note, too, that this is a very brief overview of the process, but it will give you, in a nutshell, what you need to do and have in order to self-publish your print book. Continue reading “Checklist for Self-Publishing Print Books”

Tips to Get Your Guest Posts Featured on Blogs

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by Brenda Perlin

As an author, most of us find we also have to be bloggers in order to let the world know about our books. This sort of blurs the lines of what makes a true blogger – and why would someone who is not a writer want to spend the hours it takes to share content? Where are their rewards?

If you have your own blog, you know that it’s a lot of work. And featuring other people on your blog can sometimes turn into a nightmare. But what about getting yourself featured on other blogs? Here are some tips from bloggers to help you do it the right way. Continue reading “Tips to Get Your Guest Posts Featured on Blogs”