Video Trailer: Operation Neurosurgeon

Can a successful doctor, one who scoops parasitic masses and embedded nails out of patients’ brains, save his own daughter’s life? Even Danny Tilson’s neurosurgical skills, his paramedic best friend, and his stable family life cannot prevent Danny’s asthmatic daughter from suddenly dying.

While reeling from this first tragedy, Danny falls prey to an alluring and calculating seductress who has wheedled her way into his OR through deceit and trickery, and to her Chesapeake Bay retriever, who is all innocence to her conniving. Vulnerable and shaken, Danny makes all the wrong choices for the love of this aqua eyed lady.

Danny’s torrid affair conjures up a gaggle of Tennessee attorneys who pursue him as he turns vagrant with the roguish retriever. But in the backwoods of Tennessee? The plot thickens to payback the woman who left in a hurry.

Operation Neurosurgeon, the medical suspense novel by Dr. Barbara Ebel, is available through, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.

Hastings and Your Print Books

Author Jacqueline Hopkins

Hastings is a chain of brick and mortar book and entertainment  stores. I have found a way to get my paperback books onto the shelves of my local Hastings store.

If you live in an area where there is a Hastings bookstore (scroll down to the bottom of the website and type in a zip code to find a store near you), you are in luck in getting your print book on their bookshelves. By now you are probably asking how this can be done. Well grab your favorite cuppa java (or what have you), sit in your favorite comfy chair in front of your computer and I will tell you.

I walked into my local Hastings store in Lewiston, Idaho, with six of my paperback books and matching bookmarkers, to see if they would sell them. My philosophy has always been that it never hurts to ask—all anyone can say is yes, no, maybe, heck no, you’ve got to be kidding me or @#% no. Continue reading “Hastings and Your Print Books”

Melda Beaty Announces New Release

LimeAuthor Melda Beaty is pleased to announce the release of her new novel: Lime.

Fashion Week, cover of Vogue, haute couture fashion, international appearances, and product endorsements propel Lime Prince into Supermodel icon and temporarily away from the realities of her past. Her Ethiopian and Jamaican genes, accented with piercing lime green eyes and a runner’s physique, are the object of every man’s desire and take the New York fashion world by storm. But when the fantasies of beauty collide with the realities of domestic violence, will her sordid past shame her out of the glitz and glamour of the modeling world?

Lime was released on August 7, 2012 and is available from Amazon US and all Amazon channels.

Sneak Peek: Caught in the Dragon Cove

Caught in the Dragon CoveToday we have a sneak peek of Author Ressa Empbra’s new science fiction fantasy book, Caught in the Dragon Cove.

Working for a covert government agency, Iax travels the world—and beyond. She also journeys out of this world to other Realms in various Dimensions, of which only a privileged few know. Her job: Putting a halt to imminent battles and wars—before it’s too late. Finding herself in a heated battle in the Dragon Cove Realm of the Dragon Dimension, Iax assumes the usual; get in, get the job done, get out. Easy-peasy. This mission is like no other, however, as it will change her life in ways she never could have imagined. Get Caught in the Dragon Cove where secrets and tempting passions lurking just out of sight, will be revealed.

Caught in the Dragon Cove is available exclusively on and Amazon UK as an e-book.

And now, an excerpt from Caught in the Dragon Cove: Continue reading “Sneak Peek: Caught in the Dragon Cove”