Sneak Peek: The Second Daughter

Today we have a sneak peek from the women’s fiction book by J. Jeffrey: The Second Daughter.

It had started out well. Umbrellas tangled. A storybook romance followed. A wonderful wedding. A beautiful, sweet first daughter. They were complete, a family, happy. And then they went and had another daughter.

Everyone blames poor Debra as the family slowly, then quickly, then explosively disintegrates. But fortunately Debra Gale has unyielding determination. Fortunately she has an irrepressible capacity to love.

And maybe, just maybe, she also has a chance.

The Second Daughter is available from Amazon, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble.

Here is an excerpt from The Second Daughter

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Harken back to the days of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. It was a fascinating nature show that was really just a vehicle for imprinting the brand of an insurance company on the American psyche. Of course, there were the commercials, but the name of the insurance company was actually a part of the title of the show.

It was even cleverly woven into the show itself. Who can ever forget narrator Marlin Perkins commenting as Jim Fowler wrestled with a giant anaconda, “Jim’s probably wondering if he’s got enough life insurance. Mutual of Omaha can help answer all your questions…”

Indies Unlimited has decided to follow in the footsteps of this great show with our own, entitled, Wild Wilderness Outdoors. It’s in early development, but here is a clip from the auditions for narrator for the program. We’ll probably keep looking. Probably.


Sneak Peek: The Last Israelis

Today we have a sneak peek from the military thriller by author Noah Beck: The Last Israelis.

Struck by a medical emergency, Israel’s Prime Minister falls unconscious. Soon after, Iran acquires nuclear weapons and threatens to destroy the Jewish state. Israel’s “second-strike” answer is the Dolphin, a powerful submarine armed with nuclear-tipped missiles. But its crewmembers are ethnically diverse and ideologically divided – a microcosm of the complex Israeli society they defend, making for a suspense-filled ride aboard the Dolphin.

The pressures of submarine life, threats at sea, crewmember rivalries, psychological instabilities, and an unthinkable dilemma make conflict among the crewmembers inevitable as Armageddon approaches. How will they decide the toughest decision ever made by 35 men?

The Last Israelis is available from Amazon, Amazon UK, iTunes, and Barnes & Noble.

Here is an excerpt from The Last Israelis

Continue reading “Sneak Peek: The Last Israelis”

IU Reader Poll: What Makes You Say “Yes”

People choose the books they read for a reason. Multiple factors can be involved in that decision-making, but that doesn’t mean we give equal weight to all those factors.

More often than not, we use one consideration of many in reaching the decision to buy or pass on a book. Of all the things any given book has going on to lure you to choose it above others, what do you feel most often influences your choice?

When deciding to purchase a book, which single factor carries the most weight with you?

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