Press Releases – Free Publicity

Mr. Pish Press ReleaseThere’s always discussion amongst authors about ways to promote their books.  People get caught up in blogs, facebook author pages, twitter posts, forums, etc., etc.

Long before those methods, there were press releases.  Although the technology has changed to make disseminating press releases easier and faster, it’s still a valid way to promote your work.  And most writers/authors overlook it.

Got a new book coming out?  Press release.  Win an award?  Press release.  Doing a book event?  Press release.  Just like in the days of yore.

Only you can determine who should get your press release depending on your demographic, subject matter, location, etc.  That can be a lot of work, toiling over your laptop, emailing incessantly – as you should send these emails individually and not in a group blast.  Nonetheless, it’s necessary. Continue reading “Press Releases – Free Publicity”

Spotlight on…Faith Mortimer

Reviewer Cathy Speight

The 21st Century’s very own Agatha Christie.

That is how I describe Faith Helen Mortimer. She has created her own Miss Marple – a younger, beautiful, sexy and much-travelled version called Diana Rivers.

Faith is a very organised and systematic writer – I love her books.

Faith is a British writer who, much to my envy, lives in Cyprus, the setting for one of her books. Widely travelled ever since childhood, Faith draws on her globe-trotting and uses her broad experiences and knowledge as backdrops to her novels. The result is immaculate and authentic scene-setting, and her attention to detail is second to none. The result is a clean, crisp, unencumbered, easy and riveting read. She has a wholesome style. Continue reading “Spotlight on…Faith Mortimer”

“Ed’s Casual Friday!” he said.

Holy Hand Grenades, you mean my second “Casual Friday” post is slated for Friday the 13th? Geeze, that seems like the kind of thing I should have cleverly incorporated into a topic…if I had looked at a calendar before I actually wrote the post. So let us pretend I did. In honor of Friday the 13th, my thoughts on something really scary: Dialogue Tags! (cue thunderstorm noises)

DialogueFirst off, I should say that what follows is of course my opinion. I’m not trying to tell anybody else how to write, and yes, our individual literary foibles may indeed be part of what gives each of us our own “style.” However, believe me when I say that there are certain things that are going to look like mistakes to a large number of readers, even if a writer is doing them on purpose. James Joyce made up grammatical and narrative rules as he went along, and some people think he’s a genius for doing so. He’s also rarely read nowadays outside of Lit grad courses. Just saying. Continue reading ““Ed’s Casual Friday!” he said.”

Work It!

I was a teacher for a decade.  Not a traditional classroom teacher, a Reading/Writing Specialist.  I worked with kids who suffered from learning challenges.  I also worked with a lot of kids with life challenges – inner city youth primarily.  It was immensely rewarding and very hard. A few months ago, I was handed a medical condition that essentially ended my teaching career (Patulous Eustachian Tubes).  Suddenly, I couldn’t teach to the best of my ability because all I could hear half the time was the sound of wind in my ears.  (A lot less romantic than wind in your hair.)  I don’t do things that I can’t do to the best of my ability…especially something as important as teaching.  So, I decided to give freelance writing a try (more than just fiction).  And I am currently figuring out how to make that work.  Time will tell.

Continue reading “Work It!”