Featured Author: E.C. Hibbs

E. C. Hibbs has lived all her life in Cheshire, north-west England. A lover of stories from an early age, she wrote her first ‘book’ when she was five, and throughout school was a frequent visitor to the younger classes to read her tales to the children.

Living so near the coast, she loves anything to do with the sea. She studied Animal Behaviour at university and longs to work with marine mammals in the future. As well as nature and animals, she also has a soft spot for history, and loves paying visits to castles, cathedrals and museums.

There are many things she could be without, but writing isn’t one of them. She carries a pen everywhere, in case an idea appears, and takes pride in still seeing the world as brimming with magic. Besides writing, she reads obsessively, her favourite genres being the classics and all kinds of fantasy. She also enjoys Disney and horror films, practising Shotokan karate, drawing, archery, and playing with her very cheeky kitten.

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Support Group for a Writer

Welcome to The Learning Curve. This is where I chronicle my adventures as a new writer. The goal is to inspire you to put that bag of chips down, step away from the television, and tell the world a good story.

Support Group for a Writer

Writing, for the most part, is a lonely job. There are very few of us who can afford to write full time without relying on some other form of income to keep the creditors at bay. Take our Indies Unlimited crew for example. Stephen Hise sells apples and homemade furniture by the side of the road. K.S. ‘Kat’ Brooks has a mobile dog washing service. Laurie Boris trains dolphins for a living, while Chris James, T.D. McKinnon, Carolyn Steele, and Yvonne Hertzberger all perform in a traveling circus to pay the bills. We do what we need to do in order to do what we want to do, which is write.

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Mr. Pish Announces a Much Anticipated Sequel

Author K. S. Brooks and her sidekick Mr. Pish are pleased to announce the release of their new educational children’s book, Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition.

The adventurous Jack Russell Terrier, Mr. Pish, is back – this time to guide readers through portions of the southern and western United States in Postcards from Mr. Pish Volume 4. Each postcard Mr. Pish sends is filled with engaging text and full-color photographs designed to inspire both young and old to read, explore, and learn. As with all his books, history, geography, and more become inviting and fun – because of the charismatic traveling terrier!

“Mr. Pish is a 14-years-young Jack Russell Terrier who epitomizes dog exploration… March on, Mr. Pish. FIDO Friendly salutes you!” – FIDO Friendly Magazine

Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition is the fifth book in the Mr. Pish Educational Series promoting outdoor learning and literacy. It became available on November 16, 2012. It is available in print, and as an eBook from Amazon.com, Amazon UK, and Smashwords.

Sneak Peek: Lime

LimeToday we have a sneak peek from author Melda Beaty’s new novel: Lime.

Fashion Week, cover of Vogue, haute couture fashion, international appearances, and product endorsements propel Lime Prince into Supermodel icon and temporarily away from the realities of her past. Her Ethiopian and Jamaican genes, accented with piercing lime green eyes and a runner’s physique, are the object of every man’s desire and take the New York fashion world by storm. But when the fantasies of beauty collide with the realities of domestic violence, will her sordid past shame her out of the glitz and glamour of the modeling world?

Lime is available from Amazon US and all Amazon channels.

And now, an excerpt from LimeContinue reading “Sneak Peek: Lime”