Do You Write With a Formula?

The idea of formulas in writing always makes my nose wrinkle. Because to me, formula means repetition…and repetition in writing could very well lead to boredom. Have you ever had that? Followed an author you’ve loved for years only to find that by their tenth or fifteenth book you can finish it for them, because … Continue reading “Do You Write With a Formula?”

My Expensive But Not-So-Horrible Vanity Press Experience

In contrast to some of the horror stories we’re hearing this month on #PublishingFoul, I thought it might be a good time to tell a somewhat mitigating story about the not-so-bad but still expensive lessons. The truth is, not every publishing horror story is awful. Along any continuum, you’re going to have a range of … Continue reading “My Expensive But Not-So-Horrible Vanity Press Experience”

An Inside Look at Indies Unlimited

As a newbie here at IU, I’ve developed a list of questions over the past few weeks. I had a virtual sit-down with the woman in charge to quench my curiosity about dealings with authors, feedback about their books, and how it feels to be constantly paying it forward. The answers surprised and disappointed me … Continue reading “An Inside Look at Indies Unlimited”