What Do Book Reviewers Really, Really Want?

When we submit our masterpieces to a review site or blog hoping for some feedback (and of course a 5 star review on Amazon and Goodreads), there are rules. Each site has its own submission guidelines. We have to follow these of course, but sometimes, even when we stay within those parameters we’re still unable … Continue reading “What Do Book Reviewers Really, Really Want?”

FOULED! Part 1: Taking on Scammy Publishers

As Kat announced Monday, IU is devoting the month of March to authors who have been scammed by scummy publishers, and what to do if you’ve been caught by one. This whole thing started with an email to the IU admins from an author who was just beginning to realize that she’d been had. While … Continue reading “FOULED! Part 1: Taking on Scammy Publishers”

Blogging for Your Local Newspaper

What’s a writer’s biggest challenge? Apart, that is, from writing great books? Bringing those books, and the name of the author, to the public’s attention. It’s a never-ending job. We not only have to keep writing, keep putting out new (and better) work, but we have to get our names out there so people will … Continue reading “Blogging for Your Local Newspaper”

Creating a Worthy Adversary

Guest Post by Laurie Stevens One of the questions I get asked in regards to creating characters is “how do you deal with the mindset of a villain?” Certainly nobody enjoys going to a dark mental place where, we have to assume, a lot of nasty characters reside. Still, if you want to remain true … Continue reading “Creating a Worthy Adversary”