Blog Book Tours from a Blogger’s Perspective

Last month Karen Wojcik Berner shared a post on blog tours here at IU. As I was reading, it occurred to me that a discussion of blog tours from the perspective of a blogger might be of interest and potentially of value for authors, whether they’re doing the hard work of putting a tour together … Continue reading “Blog Book Tours from a Blogger’s Perspective”

Creating a Fictional Newspaper Blog

Many of us have seen instances where authors take their fictional characters beyond the books that spawned them: interviews with a character, blog postings by them, Facebook pages, Q&A sessions with readers. Recently, however, I came across something that was new to me. Tim Jackson, author of Mangrove Underground, has created a newspaper blog for … Continue reading “Creating a Fictional Newspaper Blog”

When Is a Guest Post Like a Sausage Factory?

One of the things some authors do to promote their book is a “blog tour” which I’ve heard described as the modern day or indie equivalent of hitting the road for signings at book stores. The goal of such an undertaking is twofold. First, to get the word out that your new book exists (remember … Continue reading “When Is a Guest Post Like a Sausage Factory?”

Will a Blog Tour Work for Your Book?

Guest post By Karen Wojcik Berner Over the last few years, I’ve promoted my books with blog tours – six of them, to be exact – and let me tell you, each was completely different in both style and reach. Never done a blog tour?  They’re the virtual equivalent of the traditional book tour, except … Continue reading “Will a Blog Tour Work for Your Book?”