Local Television Advertising for Authors

Once in a while you just have to stick your neck out there and do something a bit insane. I’d never even thought about advertising on television. What Indie author makes enough scratch to have commercials? It turns out, $40 will get you a month’s worth of air time — your ad being viewed three … Continue reading “Local Television Advertising for Authors”

An Interview with Lars Lundgren

As you know, April is Mr. Pish month at Indies Unlimited. If you don’t know that yet, you do now. In any case, the novel Triple Dog Dare was inspired by the adorable pooch, so we thought we’d invite one of the characters, Lars Lundgren, to stop by for a chat. Since Lars has a … Continue reading “An Interview with Lars Lundgren”

How to Make an Author Media Kit

You have a new title out, or you’ve been asked to do a book signing or an interview, maybe participate in a panel discussion — a brilliant opportunity for some publicity. And then someone asks you for a media kit. Gulp. You don’t even know what that is, let alone how to put one together. … Continue reading “How to Make an Author Media Kit”

SELF-e: Connecting Indie Authors with Libraries

Recently I was notified that my novel, Stone’s Ghost, was selected for the SELF-e program. This is a fairly new program designed to connect indie authors with libraries and create a win-win partnership. Authors provide their eBooks to the program for free; no royalties are paid to the author. The libraries then provide the books … Continue reading “SELF-e: Connecting Indie Authors with Libraries”