Basic Marketing for New Authors

Okay, you’ve done the hard work of writing your book and publishing it. Now you can sit back and relax, right? Uh, no. Not even close. Now the real work starts: marketing.  I know, just the word makes you break out into cold sweats, right? What do you do? How do you start? Relax–sit back, … Continue reading “Basic Marketing for New Authors”

Is AuthorsDen Worth It?

AuthorsDen was one of the first places I joined after publishing my first book several years ago. Back then, my publisher encouraged all of us to actively join any relevant (and not so relevant) social networking sites we could find, and AuthorsDen was not only free, but also easy to join. Like many of the … Continue reading “Is AuthorsDen Worth It?”

How Do You Define Credibility and Legitimacy as an Author?

I read an article recently where an author discussed the benefits of purchasing a review from Kirkus. He felt it lent credibility to his work. He claimed that there was no boost in sales from the paid review, so it did not help him connect with any new readers, but he thought it gave him … Continue reading “How Do You Define Credibility and Legitimacy as an Author?”

The Authors Guild and Publishers Weekly for Self-Publishers

As the world of self-publishing continues to change the publishing landscape, two organizations that have traditionally been off-limits to self-published authors seem to have had a change of heart. The Authors Guild The Authors Guild bills itself as “the nation’s oldest and largest professional society of published authors, representing more than 9,000 writers,” and claims … Continue reading “The Authors Guild and Publishers Weekly for Self-Publishers”