From the Mail Room: Can I Put a Multi-Author Anthology in KDP Select?

mail-room-author-emails-office-899351_960_720A reader sent in this question:

I’m an indie author who is considering doing an anthology with some fellow authors. I came across the First Chapters one you did and I was wondering if you had any advise on how to do this best? (First Chapters takes the first chapters of 22 different minion books and compiles them into one anthology.)

I had a couple specific questions, since we were thinking about doing a First Chapter complication as well for our book, but we are a little concerned that since we’re all in KDP Select, we can’t do what you guys did.

In reading their terms, it seems we can “give away” samples (meaning can’t sell it) as long as they are less than 10% of the book. I assume since you guys are selling your anthology, that none of the books you pulled chapters from are in KU, and can never be in KU because of that?

Thanks for your help!

Here’s the answer from our awesome team of authors: Continue reading “From the Mail Room: Can I Put a Multi-Author Anthology in KDP Select?”

Featured Book: First Chapters

First Chapters
by Indies Unlimited Authors
Available from and Amazon UK.
Perma-Free on Smashwords

First Chapters is an introduction to twenty-two cutting-edge indie authors with a wide array of genres and unique voices.

This volume includes chapters from authors DV Berkom, Melissa Bowersock, Laurie Boris, K.S. Brooks, Lynne Cantwell, Martin Crosbie, Jim Devitt, A.C. Flory, Yvonne Hertzberger, Stephen Hise, Mark Jacobs, Chris James, LA Lewandowski, TD McKinnon, Rich Meyer, Melissa Pearl, Lin Robinson, Kathy Rowe, Carolyn Steele, Krista Tibbs, Dick Waters, and Carol Wyer.

Designing a Horse: Anthology Groups

Moose Photo by K.S. BrooksIt’s been said that a moose is a horse designed by a committee. Pulling together a group of indie authors to create a short-story anthology might seem like a similar exercise. But it doesn’t have to be.

Anthologies can be a great way to showcase your work to a wider audience. Fans of other authors participating in the project will also see your story, and maybe they’ll like it well enough to buy one (or more!) of your other books. You may even gain readers who aren’t familiar with the works of any of the authors involved, but who are willing to try a sampler of new talent.

Lin Robinson wrote posts here and here about the mechanics of creating an anthology. But how do you get involved in one? In my case, all I had to do was say, “I’m in.” Continue reading “Designing a Horse: Anthology Groups”

Featured Book: 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology

This anthology contains some work originally produced by select participants in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

The 250-word flash fiction challenge each Saturday provides entrants with a picture by award-winning novelist and photographer K.S. Brooks and a written prompt by author Stephen Hise.

Waters discovered the Indies Unlimited site during the early part of 2012 and feels the site, the staff, and others have encouraged his writing and supported this and many of his other writing endeavors.

This volume includes sample chapters from his full length mystery novels, and sample chapters from his guest authors; Aron Joice and Brian Beam.

Available from Amazon.