New Facebook Call-to-Action Button Options

facebook logoEvery now and then, Facebook rolls out something new for business pages (author pages and book pages fall under the “business page” umbrella). Most recently, Facebook has added more options to their call-to-action button.

If your page doesn’t yet have a call-to-action button, it’s easy to set up. I wrote about how to do it awhile ago. At the time, I picked the “Shop Now” button as my call-to-action button, and pointed it to my Amazon Author page.

But to be honest, the button hasn’t gotten me a lot of action. Maybe people visiting my page have been puzzled by the idea of a “Shop Now” button for an author; maybe they think of “Shop Now” as more appropriate for designer handbags or jewelry. I dunno. But just in case, I’m going to change my call-to-action button to one of Facebook’s new options. Continue reading “New Facebook Call-to-Action Button Options”

Tips for Increasing Visibility on your Facebook Page in 2015

Increasing Visibility on your Facebook PageIt’s a new year and the Facebook changes to privacy settings — how others interact with you and what you see — are now in full force. You can read about these changes here in a December post here on Indies Unlimited.

Now that things are different, how do we get the most from our Facebook Pages? As we know, Facebook has crushed organic visibility for Facebook Page owners. It’s quite simple why — they want you to buy ads.

Let’s talk about how we can increase our visibility within our Pages and maximize your exposure while playing the Facebook game. Continue reading “Tips for Increasing Visibility on your Facebook Page in 2015”

Facebook’s Call to Action Button

facebook logoPerhaps in an effort to convince small businesses that Facebook fan pages aren’t useless unless they buy an ad (whoops – did I say that with my outside voice?), Facebook has instituted a new feature: a Call to Action button.

In marketing-speak, a call to action is the question or suggestion that gets you to do what the salesperson wants you to do: fill out a survey, sign up for a mailing list, buy a product, and so on. That’s exactly what this button does – and you get to pick what you want it to do. Continue reading “Facebook’s Call to Action Button”

Don’t Hate Me ‘Cuz I’m Beautiful: Facebook URLs

You’ve seen them, I know you have. The ugly, discombobulated, burdened Facebook page URL that has not been properly set up.  My favorite is when someone who claims to be a social media or marketing expert sports one. “Come check out my page!” they’ll say to me, presenting me with a link that looks like “”   Hey, Judy, guess what?  No one’s going to remember how to get to your page with a link like that. Not to mention it’s kind of embarrassing.

What can you do about it? Well, I’m glad you asked.

Continue reading “Don’t Hate Me ‘Cuz I’m Beautiful: Facebook URLs”