It is a strange new world. Self-published authors are ganging up on me, even picking on me because I’m with a publisher. It’s a small, independent publisher, one which actually cares about its authors. But still — if you knew where I came from, you’d know why this leaves me feeling like someone tasered me and left me in an alley.
I started writing Lust for Danger in 1986. I tried for years to get it published, following the traditional route – as that was all there was at the time (vanity publishing was never a consideration). I received plenty of rejection letters that were kind and regretful, stating that they couldn’t take a chance on me because I was a first-time author. Some of these letters were so good that I saved them so I could quote them once the book would finally be published – some day, some how. “Lively and entertaining,” “fine and creative storyteller,” “I liked the pace of the story and the strong female heroine,” and “great plot, well written” were just some of the comments made to me while being told “no thank you.” That was what kept me going.
I went from agent to agent, publisher to publisher, and rewrite to rewrite until I finally got to a point where I didn’t know what to do. Then I received an email from my friend Margaret with a link to a new publisher – iUniverse. They were just getting into the business, were introducing some new technology known as P.O.D. (print on demand) and needed new authors. Margaret was always on top of everything, so I checked into it. I read the contract and it seemed above-board. I even had my lawyer check it. I figured it was worth a shot, so I sent them my manuscript. Within a week they responded with an acceptance. I couldn’t believe it. I sent them the $80 upgrade fee for custom full-color cover artwork. They sent me galleys. I wanted to vomit. It was finally happening.
At the end of August 2001, Lust for Danger was released. I hired a publicist. I was not expecting to hear from that publicist that what I’d done was frowned upon. What I had done, in fact, was nearly as awful as having used a vanity press. What?! Why?! I didn’t pay to be published. The book was available through all the right distributors. It had an ISBN number… Why was I suddenly an outcast? Bookstores wanted nothing to do with me. They were used to being able to get books from publishers and then return them at the end of the year if they didn’t sell. How could that be done with print-on-demand? They’d never heard of such a thing. People would call book stores to order my book and would be told that it was out of print, or unavailable. Eventually, and nicely, my publicist quit, saying no one knew what to make of what I was doing. I would have to invest in a slew of books and carry them around, selling them myself. With my cost at $16 a pop, that wasn’t going to happen. She was apologetic. So, I saw no other choice but to do my publicity myself. I became a press machine. I was so successful in getting my name out there that people even recognized me when I was in disguise at the gas pump. Okay, so it wasn’t really a disguise. I was in my pajamas, and I was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. Perhaps it was the bright red convertible Saab that gave me away. But I digress.
While all that press didn’t really sell many books, it did get the attention of a local publisher. The owner of Write Words, Inc. approached me, offering me a contract for the e-book version of Lust for Danger. e-Book? Now what the hell was I getting myself into? I was already in enough trouble with this new-fangled P.O.D. technology. I’d never even heard of an e-book. But then, something strange happened. I got an email from iUniverse asking me to sign something so they could publish the e-book version as well. Hmmm…maybe there was something to this here e-book thang. So, I signed with WWI in 2003, and began my journey down e-book avenue. I had no idea where that road would take me.
Eight years later, I have six books published with WWI. They’re honest, and attentive, and take good care of me. I love them.
Then, another strange thing happened. I recently joined a writers’ group. “That’s not strange,” you say. “You’re strange, Brooks.” Well, that’s true, but beside the point. I don’t play well with others, for starters. Add to that my original experience with a writers’ group many, many years ago: when I was plagiarized by some of the writers. The only thing that made sense was to quit – and the odds of me ever becoming involved in a writers’ group again plummeted below zero. So how could I get sucked in to participating in another group? It was, in fact, an accident. I replied to an email asking for advice, and the next thing I knew, I was electronically surrounded by this interesting lot of people from all over the world sharing their self-promotion experiences. Nearly everyone in this writers’ group is self-published, and they’re loving it. Some of them are paying thousands of dollars to get into print, and some of them aren’t paying anything. But they’re nearly all self-published, just the same. Some of them were traditionally published and converted to self-pub. What?! What was once frowned upon is now the norm? Did I get kidnapped and taken to a parallel universe where what used to be bad is now good? To make matters worse, some of these writers pick on me. Say what? Yes, it’s true. But I have learned so very much from them and am grateful for that.
So now, these people have really opened a whole strange, new world for me. I see the level of success that can be had with self-publishing by the likes of Konrath and Eisler and others. The stigma, at least in the industry, seems to be gone. So do the costs. So now I’m thinking…hmmm, that anthology of short pieces my friend Newt and I wrote – why not self publish that? You know what? I think I will.
Footnote – this piece was originally written on October 7th, 2011. Now, it’s October 24th and Odd and Odder: A Collection of Sensuality, Satire and Suspense is already available on Kindle and Smashwords. Soon it will also be available in print. It’s a strange, new world – indeed.
K. S. Brooks is an award-winning novelist, photographer and poet. She devotes her time to writing action-adventure thrillers, romantic suspense novels, and childrenโs books which promote outdoor learning and literacy. Learn more about K.S. Brooks from her website and blog.
Thank you for having me here, Stephen!
Thanks for sharing your great story!
Kat, your candid account must ring bells with many. The ability to tell it like it is … that's refreshing. I think we shall all look back on this time and remember it as the watershed that made us look at our own efforts and those of others, and wonder at our resourcefulness and staying power. Well done.
Sorry, your reply is below Rosanne!
Inspiring article!
I really enjoyed this publishing journey, Kat. It demonstrates the travails of trying to go the "traditional" route as an unknown writer. I, too, just went the e-book route with my "kinder, gentler" post-apocalyptic novel, Falling Through Time.
Why? I like the feeling of being in the driver's seat. Frankly, I hated feeling like a supplicant in trying to attract an agent and a traditional publisher.
I admire those who have the fortitude to submit their work several hundred times until they get a win. And I love the stories of those few, very few, authors who prevailed and then sold millions of copies of their books.
Me? My self-confidence would have been destroyed after the first dozen rejections. So it was Kindle publishing for me, and perhaps, soon, POD. I'm very happy with my experience on Kindle thus far.
E-publishing and POD are fascinating and a bit over-whelming with so many changes rapidly taking place in the publishing world…it's truly a "Brave New World" these days for writers…
Sounds as though you, Kat, were early on the scene. Hope to hear more from you on the topic–it's very helpful.
PC Frank – your reply is below. Sorry…
Great article, Kat. You got the last laugh and that's what is important. And you let me know who's picking on you if you want…I know people. ๐
Thanks Rosanne. Coming from you, that means a lot. How far we've come!
And thank you for stopping by, Letty.
Hi PC Frank, thanks for your comments. Perhaps we should see that Kindle contains the word "Kind" – which it is for writers. Thanks for the kind words and good luck with your endeavors!
Hey JD, I don't remember who it was. Well, yeah, I do. LOL But no worries, now I'm one of y'all so you can't pick on me anymore. ๐ Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my ranting.
Kat, I, too, began much as you do. The exception was that I started later and learned that traditional publishing would not likely ever happen for me before I sent my book out. And by the time I found iUniverse they had begun charging for their packages. Now they are lumped with the 'vanity' publishers. So I am right behind you with going solo. Good luck to us all.
Hey Yvonne, there's so much good stuff going on now…it's a great time to be getting into it! Whoever thought we'd be able to publish for FREE… Just awesome.
Kat: Great story. For those writing in 1986 going iuniverse was an exciting new route to publishing. And one of the main choices apart from traditional publishing. The more I hear stories from authors, the more I realize that many of us were waiting on publishers, or receiving rejection letters that were considered just "part of the game." It amazes me how all the stories are coming out now. You showed persistence and savvy when you saw the opportunity come along with Write Words. Now, it's a whole new world of iPads, kindles, etc. and we have distribution for our work. Best of luck in your continuing career…part of the "Linkedin gang".
Hey Sheron, thanks for stopping by. I in fact thank the "LinkedIn Gang" in the Acknowledgements in Odd & Odder. I never would have gone the self-pub route without you guys showing me the way!
The stories coming out now don't really surprise me at all, since I lived them. It was the norm…now the industry is turning the tables and it's our time!
Nice to meet you Kat. Stephen has a gift for finding interesting, talented people! I'm loving self-publishing, and having a ball helping others in my writing group break into print after so many years being ground under the heels of legacy publishers. Viva la revolution!
Thanks Bev!
Great post, Kat. I think of now as the brave new world (when I'm trying to convince my publisher to separate out print rights from the electronic ones), but I guess every time new technology emerges, it is a time of great upheaval (am I even making sense? ๐
Hi Rasana, thanks for taking the time to post here. Most publisher contracts (that I'm aware of) are separate for eBook and print usually because the margins are different. Good luck with that! And yes, you always make sense. ๐
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Kat! Am I correct in thinking that you are still published with WWI and also self-publishing, as well?
Hi Nicole,
Yes, I'm still publishing with WWI. But when/if I don't receive approval on a project, I have no qualms about publishing that on my own. ๐