Amazon Signs Indie Author Lia Fairchild!

Lia Fairchild

Fantastic news today about friend and fellow indie author Lia Fairchild, courtesy David Gaughran:

“Amazon’s newer imprints have been getting all the press lately, but today, AmazonEncore has announced the signing of indie author Lia Fairchild.”  David Gaughran has the exclusive!

Hmmm… this news comes right on the heels of Lia’s announcement on Indies Unlimited of her new release. Coincidence? You decide!

A heartfelt congratulations to Lia! Don’t forget us now that you’re going to be rich and famous.

Thoughts on the Three Types of Reviews

Insofar as I can tell, there are three types of book reviews. The first type is the reader review,wherein someone who has actually purchased and read an author’s book will post a comment about it in an online forum of some type. Since the reader represents an author’s customer base, these have the potential to be very valuable. Some are very thoughtful, analytical pieces, while others are more of the loved it or hated it variety with little specificity or guidance for an author open to feedback. Continue reading “Thoughts on the Three Types of Reviews”

Sneak Peek: “One-Legged Seagull” by Joey Avniel

Today, author Joey Avniel shares a sneak-peek of his book, “One-Legged Seagull.” Joey says this is his favorite chapter in the book. You can find out more about the author and the book from his website. Joey will also be appearing in an upcoming Meet the Author feature here on Indies Unlimited. Thanks for sharing this with us, Joey!


Take a journey with Ehud and Simon, as they discover strategies and techniques that help them change frustration and anger into peace of mind. Ehud, a young teenager, meets Simon, a retired vet, after a personal failure. Together they learn how to handle life’s ups and downs with more grace and patience. You wouldn’t be able to put down this “The Little Prince” meets “Karate Kid” fable. Continue reading “Sneak Peek: “One-Legged Seagull” by Joey Avniel”